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Dating in Russia

Today it’s much easier to find your soulmate thanks to modern technologies. Love knows no borders, so you can find your partner everywhere. Russian dating is special and unusual. You could try to find your future spouse with our russian dating site online. A lot of single russian people are looking for someone on dating sites. There will be no problems with having an online date or long-distance friendships.

Dating in Russia

Today it’s much easier to find your soulmate thanks to modern technologies. Love knows no borders, so you can find your partner everywhere. Russian dating is special and unusual. You could try to find your future spouse with our russian dating site online. A lot of single russian people are looking for someone on dating sites. There will be no problems with having an online date or long-distance friendships.

  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Ana Paula, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • Ysabel, 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Yuanyuan, 33
    Zhengzhou, China
  • Kessybaee , 25
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Yan, 34
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Dongfang(Vina) , 36
    Shanghai, China
  • Zagreus 🖤, 28
    Catigbian, Philippines
  • Noah, 50
    Sydney, Australia
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Reasons you should look for dating Russian women

Men all over the world are looking for Russian dating sites or offline meetings. Rules you need to know to make your dating with russian women successful are simple. Russian women are good-looking, kind and honest. They have many advantages:

  • Housewifes. Lots of girls and women in Europe and America are ladder climbers. They want to be some kind of iron ladies, who could earn all the money in the world. They want to be independent and endure everything by themselves. Russian girls like to be feminine, they are not ashamed to be mothers and wives. They like to have kids and to raise them. Russian women want to be good spouses and mothers. At the same time they could be business ladies and feel great;
  • Responsibility. Russian women are wise, they are responsible and mentally mature. Parents instilled this kind of thing in their kids during childhood. As a result we have strong responsible many-sided people;
  • Hard-workers. Russian women are not afraid of difficulties, they are brave enough to take risks. If you are thinking about Russian dating, you should keep that in mind;
  • Caring for your family and home. Russian woman will do everything to make her beloved husband and children happy. If she becomes attached to you, she will surround you with warmth and care from head to toe. A woman of any nationality wishes her family happiness. But Russian women are especially loyal to their families: they will do anything to maintain harmony in their own home;
  • Stunning natural beauty. No wonder they say that Russian girls are the most beautiful. They can be easily distinguished in a crowd of other women: light eyes, skin and hair, smooth facial features, slim body, stylish clothes and natural nude makeup. Men from all over the world can’t help but stare at these women.

A beautiful woman’s portrait

It doesn’t matter what age she has in a passport, she is always young.

Rules you should know if you want to have a second date with a Russian woman

Women in Russia are different than in Europe or America - they can stand everything. If you want to understand the mysterious russian heart, first of all read some classic literature like Tolstoy, Dostoevsky or Bulgakov. If you want to get a second online date or to meet her one day in real life, there are some rules you should know about dating Russian:

  • It doesn’t matter what age she has in a passport, she is always young. If you want to address a russian girl you have never met, call her “devushka”. It means ‘“young woman”. It is the only appropriate way. Even if she is in her middle sixties, call her like that. You could also use this kind of english equivalent. In the other case with different kinds of addressing forms you could upset or even insult her;
  • Pay the bill, just do it. Nice russian women dating implies a man paying the bill. Women in Russia expect that even if she was an initiator of this date. Even despite the whole menu being ordered while you were sitting with a single cup of coffee. In Europe or America people on a date pay for their orders by themselves, but not in Russia. Some girls could make a fake reach for her money to show you that she could pay for herself, but it could be a kind of test. If you see her doing this, delicately stop her and pay the whole bill. If you want to do it, of course;
  • Carry the heavy stuff. If you visit a grocery shop together - carry the bags, just take all of them if it is possible. If she only has her purse, you did everything right. Russian women usually leave feminism at home when the go shopping, even if she tells you that everything is ok and she could do it herself;
  • Be a gentleman. Dating in Russia implies it. Women there are fond of courtesy, they are open to it and expect it from their partner. It is very easy, just try to do these simple things: open the doors for her, help her with her coat, carry the heavy things, let her enter or exit the building first. All these things are very simple but they will help you a lot with making a good impression. And speaking of entering and exiting: while proper etiquette dictates that the woman is the one who is supposed to go first, there is one exception – the elevator. In this case, the male is supposed to enter first. This is probably so because in the unlikely case of no elevator existing, the female will remain safe;
  • Bring her a bouquet (or even one single flower) on a date. It is not necessary to bring thousands of flowers, something around five would be great. Speaking about numbers: in Russia it is inappropriate to give a person even a number of flowers. It works only for funerals. So if you decided to give her flowers, buy an odd number of them. Or you could buy so many that she wouldn’t be able to count;
  • You will always wait while dating Russian women. They are late all the time, it is some kind of a rule. If your partner is half an hour late, keep calm and wait. It is a local standard, sooner or later she will come. She may explain it in different ways: got stuck in traffic, stayed late in the office because of work - things everyone could understand. And some reasons are hard to understand too, like changing hundreds of times or looking for a pair of shoes. Or she could arrive right on time and spend half an hour hanging around the corner so that you wouldn’t think she is clingy. Don’t try to figure out the actual reason, it is totally useless. What’s more, it can be perceived as rude. Even if you are tired of waiting, frozen to death and it is already getting dark, flash her a smile and say that you're happy to see her.

Now you know the main rules about dating in Russia. Some things seem unfair, but it is totally worth it. A couple of dates on a russian dating site or offline and you will see the woman from the other side.

a beautiful curly woman’s portrait

Dating Russian men

Unbelievable stories of Russian men can be heard around the world. Those are stories about strong, romantic and smart Russians. We will tell you the truth about them and how to get one for yourself.

It is hard to imagine, but Russian men are real romantics. They seem harsh and serious, but inside they are very soft, gentle and romantic.

What are Russian men like

There are a lot of stereotypes surrounding the Russians and not all of them are true. So here is what russian men actually are:

  • Truly romantic. It is hard to imagine, but Russian men are real romantics. They seem harsh and serious, but inside they are very soft, gentle and romantic. A Russian man on a date can read you a poem, play a song by guitar or prepare a candlelit dinner. These features may not be visible immediately, but after a few dates online or offline he will show you his romantic side. A Russian man can spend hours talking about your beauty and kindness, constantly make compliments and take continuous care;
  • Strong defender. You will always feel safe with him. It doesn’t matter whether he is by your side or not. You will be sure that he will come and save you from any threat anytime. Russians are not afraid to risk their lives and health in order to save a loved one. Dating some Russian widowers, you will especially feel the strength of their care. He will always come to the rescue and it does not matter what kind of help you need: carry heavy bags, get to the other end of the city or get rid of an annoying fan. There are no problems that the Russian man could not solve for the sake of his beloved woman;
  • A real gentleman. Mothers teach boys how to treat girls like princesses from childhood: open doors, skip ahead, give up seats in transport, pay for dinner, buy movie tickets and so on. You can be sure that the Russian man will behave like a real gentleman on a date: he will open the car door for you, pay for dinner and drive home. The more he falls in love, the more he will look after you;
  • Attentive. The more he likes you the more he will care about your interests and problems. With each new date, he will surprise you with something: small gifts, flowers or sweet treats. A Russian man may not tell you how much he needs you and is important you are every second, but he will show it by his actions.

a happy couple petting their dog

How to behave with a Russian man on a date

If you are determined to start dating a Russian man, you need to follow a few simple communication rules.

  • Be a lady. He will remain a gentleman in any situation, but if you want to go on a second date with him, you need to behave accordingly. Let him take care of you and just enjoy it. Let him feel like a man;
  • Get dressed right. If a man is serious, he may not like the ultra mini skirt. Choose something neat and elegant to make a good impression. If you are not going to a restaurant but just for a walk do not bother. Put on jeans, a T-shirt and cute shoes - that would be enough;
  • Be honest. Honesty and transparency are what any man expects. If something bothers you, say it directly and openly. Do not worry that he will not understand you. Alas, even Russians do not own telepathy, so you have to be open and honest. Do not lie as you can greatly offend your man;
  • Try to understand Russian traditions and customs. It will help you to understand your man better. Every country has its own cultural characteristics, and Russia is not an exception. Respect his views and beliefs. Do not believe stereotypes.

You can go on an online date with a Russian woman or man on our website and in the app . Every day new users from different parts of the world register on our service. Do not miss your chance to find your soulmate!

a happy woman with cat make-up having fun

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