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Dating in Portugal

Dating people on the Internet is one safest and most successful way to arrange your personal life. There can be a lot of reasons for being single, but the desire to change your life, to find one true soul mate, to build a happy and strong family moves all of us to do something. Online dating is the best way, because you don't need to wait for eternity, but take everything in your own hands. Especially when you can go through colorful, fascinating and amazing love story dating Portuguese. And will be a great help and a useful tool.

Dating in Portugal

Dating people on the Internet is one safest and most successful way to arrange your personal life. There can be a lot of reasons for being single, but the desire to change your life, to find one true soul mate, to build a happy and strong family moves all of us to do something. Online dating is the best way, because you don't need to wait for eternity, but take everything in your own hands. Especially when you can go through colorful, fascinating and amazing love story dating Portuguese. And will be a great help and a useful tool.

  • Yan, 34
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Gabriela, 25
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Ivon , 23
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Gilbert, 42
    London, United Kingdom
  • Tony, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • Ysabel, 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Natalie, 49
    Chicago, USA
  • Yulia, 42
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Yuanyuan, 33
    Zhengzhou, China
  • Noah, 50
    Sydney, Australia
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Olena, 47
    Odesa, Ukraine

Portugal is a very friendly country, and the Portuguese are an extremely hospitable nation. They are welcoming to foreigners and are willing to help in any situation. A lot of them are interested in interacting with other cultures and inspire everyone around to be open and sharing as well. So you can find a lot of Portuguese man and women on and all of them will be chatty and funny, easily making you laugh.

Portuguese are leisurely and easy-going people. There is nothing they hate more than being in a hurry. This attitude helps them to deal easily with a lot of different people. It is impossible to scare Portuguese men by either quietness or temper. So if you want to live through a beautiful romance, Portuguese are the best shot. Finding them on will bring a lot of colours into your life.

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Portugal: dating, family, customs

If you need a brief description of Portugal and its values, there are two words there are necessary - honor and dignity. All Portuguese have used them as a navigating light since childhood. So all your romance, online and offline, will be driven by honor and dignity. For any Portuguese man in any situation, it is important not to lose his face. The Portuguese are very attentive to their appearance, words, manners and the way they treat everyone around.

Romantic relationships in Portugal are not overshadowed by the cult of youth.

Still, the atmosphere in Portugal is quite conservative, they have a strict hierarchy in religious matters, in the family, in the whole business environment. They have a very wide and developing morality code that can adapt to the modern world and be a product of traditions at the same time. So if you’re dating Portuguese man, you need to prepare yourself for well-defined gender roles. But they are not really the same with all traditional stereotypes. Women in Portugal are amazing, they make all important decisions in the family and can rule business with a strong hand. Family means a lot to them, so you need to prepare to see very cheerful and warm people everywhere. They spend all the holidays together, so if your love story moves from online to offline, be ready to meet a crowd of relatives dying to know you better.

Romantic relationships in Portugal are not overshadowed by the cult of youth. They don’t really care about the age gap between the partners, no matter who is older, man or women, they see this gap as a good chance to exchange experience and knowledge in a relationship. Many people are dating over 40 and even older.

sweet girl sitting on a city roof

The Portuguese take marriage very seriously; it is important for this decision to be extremely serious, careful and well-thought. When any Portuguese say that they want to spend evenings in their family circle with their beloved mate, this is never an exaggeration. For many Portuguese this way of life is mostly welcomed, so be ready to become a part of a huge family and share all happy and sorrow moments with all the members. Some time of online dating with will definitely prepare you for that.

Divorcing here is not accepted today. The older generation do all they can to keep family connections strong, even when there are problems and affairs. That is why younger Portuguese prefer to avoid hasty decisions and get married as late as possible, once and for all. They basically see their parents and learn from their example. The Portuguese also love children. In many families there are several of them, sometimes three and even four. Both mom and dad are equally involved in the nurturing process. And the whole family, of course.

beautiful girl near the bridge

Hints and tips for dating the Portuguese

Remember that the Portuguese love to be beautiful. They enjoy wide gestures and dramatic moments.

There are a couple of things you need to know if you want to date the Portuguese successfully, and will be a great help in that.

  • When you’re only on the online stage of dating, be very polite, sincere and attentive. The Portuguese appreciate questions about their health, family, their mood, so all you need to do is show your interest. Men in Portugal love to conquer a woman, but women have to be a part of this game. It is necessary to radiate warmth. This is a fundamental thing for growing mutual interest;
  • If you have to choose a place for a first date, the best shot is a place with apéritif: any cafe from about five to nine in the evening offers the formula ‘glass and snacks’. This format of the meeting is less obligatory than dinner, but also longer than just drinking coffee, since coffee in Portugal is usually an espresso that is drunk in 30 seconds;
  • For the most part the Portuguese are open, frank and responsive, very easy to communicate, but on the other side they are a bit inconsistent and clumsy. Most likely, you will come to a place earlier than your chosen one and will be forced to wait a little. This is okay. They are very tolerant to that thing, so pointing on the fact will look quite rude;
  • Remember that the Portuguese love to be beautiful. They enjoy wide gestures and dramatic moments. They always look handsome and well-groomed. In Portugal, being beautiful is not just a picture, it is a way of life. So they develop daily life to work on their benefit;
  • The Portuguese are proud of their history, the heroic past of their country, and are very sensitive about their native language and literature. In general, they consider themselves to be a special nation, and it will be very offensive to them to hear even an indirect comparison with any other people. Spend some time on a Wikipedia page just to know basic facts. And then, online or offline, ask some questions from time to time. It will be mostly appreciated. Before the first date learn some of the most common phrases in the Portugal, this will demonstrate politeness and respect to their culture;
  • The Portuguese always eat with a knife and fork, but they hold them differently than you could get used to. At the table, the knife must be held in the left hand, and the fork in the right. Table etiquette is important for them, they learn all the rules in their childhood. You need to eat both with a knife and a fork all the time and still be able to communicate. So if you have a date in a restaurant or at home with a dinner, it is better to google some tutorials and prepare yourself;
  • The Portuguese speak a lot. Like, A LOT. The inhabitants of this wonderful country will share with you all the secrets they have, and their friends have, and relatives, and coworkers, and etc. They can’t just talk about the weather or formally ask how they are doing this for British for example, but not for southern passionate temper. You can start the conversation from the condition of the roads, and end with the problem of global warming. The Portuguese will share his own opinion about almost everything and will expect the same from you, so silence is your greatest enemy. Keep this conversation going and don’t be afraid to talk about everything you have in mind;
  • Most Portuguese are distinguished by three bright qualities: sensitivity, romance and sadness. At first, men are very restrained in their behavior, but if you let them know that feelings are mutual, they will express their sympathy very clearly. In addition, compliments in Portugal are notable for simplicity. Directness for them is a sign of deep feelings, so prepare yourself to hear everything everyone is thinking about you. Yes, this is their way of making a compliment;
  • It is also important to remember that all expenses in Portugal are shared, as well as people do in the whole western world right now - and not only in Scandinavian dating, as you may think. One dinner is paid by them, one by you, the rent is also shared, etc. This is not a matter of greed or something, as you might think, it is a principle of equality. Women here can take care of themselves and know what they are worth.

This may seem too much, but dating the Portuguese totally worth it.

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