Dating in Norway

Norway is amazing and everyone who has ever visited this country can agree. It contains not only countless beautiful sceneries of tough Nordic nature but also a lot of myths and legends about Norwegian history. This country is famous for its stunning landscapes and also by gorgeous handsome people living there.

  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • ANGELA, 25
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Jenn NY, 26
    Ukrainka, Ukraine
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Antony, 44
    Paris, France
  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Pinky💖💕, 26
    Paris, France
  • S. A. M. I, 24
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Elena, 41
    Kamenskoe, Ukraine

How to date a Norwegian person

a couple is having a picnic together

It's no surprise that a lot of people would like to date a Norwegian person, but to do that it's important to understand some significant details of Scandinavian mentality. Of course, modern Norwegians share a lot of their habits including some dating preferences with other countries, but knowing some features of Norwegian character can help with making a romantic relationship.

Norwegian people don't usually give you hints and you don't have to guess what they mean or what they think about cause it would be pretty clear.

Be direct and expect the same

One of the most noticeable traits of the Scandinavian character is directness. Norwegian people don't usually give you hints and you don't have to guess what they mean or what they think about cause it would be pretty clear. If you want to know their opinion about you — then just ask. Of course, if you're not afraid of the truth, that may not be as sweet as you expect if they don't like you. But if they do, you'll know.

It works both sides: they expect you to be honest and open too. If you like a Scandinavian person, just tell them: at least they'll appreciate you being direct and truthful. Of course, directness doesn't mean being rude to them, but basic rules of good behaviour should be must-have for everyone wanting to date someone. You may not waste your time trying to come up with unusual compliments: if your first date goes well, you'll have enough time to tell the person you appreciate everything you like about them.

Girls can make the first move too

If you remember about Scandinavian directness, it won't surprise you to know that in Norway a man can be easily asked out by a woman. Norwegian people were raised on an egalitarian model, so everyone is considered to be equal. In our modern world, it's not a sensation anymore, but foreigners and tourists from other countries still can be a little surprised. So if you are a man and a Norwegian girl asks you out — that's your lucky day! Or if it's not mutual, at least respect her bravery, cause sometimes asking someone out is not that easy even for a grown-up man.

Dress casually

You may have already noticed that Scandinavians prefer simple and casual clothing, but their clothing looks stylish and expensive at the same time. Norwegians prefer basic elements of a wardrobe to be high-quality and sometimes pretty pricey because of all-natural materials they choose. It makes their looks simple but attractive at the same time.Try to do the same: there's no need in wearing extravagant clothing on a first date, it may even make your first meeting a bit awkward. Wear casual quality things and you'll be appreciated by the potential Norwegian partner of your dream.

Most Norwegians prefer to date with friends of their friends or people they have some mutual acquaintances with.

Go have a drink

Having a first date in a restaurant has already become a cliche thanks to many romantic films and novels. Norwegian people are not fond of restaurants because they usually see a lot of disadvantages to this idea. All the tables may be already taken, and even if you succeed, there's always a chance of spending the whole evening at one place with an awkward silence. More than that, your bill may be pretty expensive in the end.

But this time you can choose a date in a bar: most Scandinavians love that. Even though a Norwegian person you like seems not very sociable it may change after two or three beers, and after that, you'll have an opportunity to know this person better. It may be a good idea to meet in a bar with their friends, so the Norwegian person will be able to feel relaxed and confident cause your attention won't be concentrated on them all night.

Most Norwegians prefer to date friends of their friends or people they have some mutual acquaintances with. That's why Scandinavians may look pretty reserved and closed. That's another reason why you may invite your potential significant other to spend a night out with friends. Be friendly with everyone and your potential partner will remember this evening for a long time. But if you don't have any friends in Norway, the easiest way to meet a Scandinavian partner is to look at a Norwegian dating site.

Both of you will pay

That's another feature of Scandinavian dating which is connected with their independence and self-esteem. Most of them prefer to pay separately on a date, so don't insist on paying for a woman you like and don't expect that from a man who asked you out. The best option in this situation is to offer to pay for the first round of drinks and you may be sure that the person would offer to pay for the next one.

Online dating in Norway

an attractive blonde couple with a dog outdoors in winter

Even though Scandinavians don't usually date with strangers there is always a perfect way to meet a romantic partner of your dream using dating sites in Norway like This approach of finding an attractive person is considered to be one of the best because people who use Norwegian dating sites have already decided that they want to meet someone new to make a happy couple or to have some pleasant romantic evenings together.

There are millions of profiles of people of different ages, appearance, location or tastes for everyone to find someone really special. Fulfil your personal page with truthful information about who you are and what you are looking for and search for a soulmate reading other people's profiles. You'll always know what you have in common and what you can start a conversation about if you already know something about an appealing person online with

If you want to date a Norwegian person - then make the first step towards your happiness today.


  • is considered to be one of the most popular dating services not only in Norway but also in other countries;
  • With its twenty-year history of perfect work has already created thousands of happy couples and helped people to find their love;
  • A searching algorithm of this site will analyse your preferences and wishes to allow you to find exactly who you want to have a date with;
  • Download the app to be online. You'll be able to send and receive constant messages and see people who are interested in dating you all the time.

If you want to date a Norwegian person - then make the first step towards your happiness today. The love of your life may be waiting for you right now, so don't miss your chance to change your life!

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