Dating single Afrikaans men

Meeting people from a different culture can be unusual and difficult: for instance, dating American women is quite different from dating ladies from other countries. Each nation has its own values ​​and habits, everyone has a different worldview, attitude towards religion and views on many things. The perception of relationships in different cultures is different. Each nation perceives the institution of marriage in its own way. What is considered polite and romantic in one country can be rudeness and ignorance in another.

  • Amor, 28
    Lahug, Philippines
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Tony, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • MIMI, 24
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Avril, 36
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Ricardo, 26
    California City, USA
  • Mia, 48
    Chonqging, China
  • ANGELA, 25
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Anais, 28
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Tatyana, 51
    Bender, Moldova
  • Zah, 40
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

South Africa has its own cultural characteristics that are worth exploring before meeting an Afrikaans man. Some moments will help you to establish your personal life in this place and place and find the love of your life.

A few things to know about South Africa

This area, like any other, has its own unique culture and customs. Consider a few very important things that will be useful to you to understand this people and its culture:

  • Features of dating. South Africa has 11 official languages. This means that at least the same number of cultures live there, or even more. Courtship patterns and attitudes toward marriage vary from one ethnic group to another. However, most of the traditional characteristics apply to all cultures and ethnic groups living in South Africa;
  • Gender roles. Despite the incredible changes in this area in the world and in Africa in particular, this area is still patriarchal. This suggests that most of the population considers men to be higher than women, and therefore it is the man who earns, and the woman takes care of him even if the woman has three higher education degrees or she can earn a lot of money. Such things may seem wrong and incomprehensible to most modern people, but it will take some getting used to if you want to date an Afrikaans man. It can take you a long time to explain and change his worldview, so be patient if you don't like this family structure;
  • Features of the personalities of Afrikaans men. Get ready for a long and romantic courtship. Most likely, you will be treated like a princess: move a chair, open doors, skip ahead, etc. Afrikaans women want their man to look like a knight and not be ashamed to show his parents and friends. Mom's boys are raised in an appropriate way. Most men are gentlemen with a dash of chivalry and an obsession with sports;
  • Sport. A lot of men in South Africa are obsessed with it - it's a big part of their culture. Most likely, your chosen one will be healthy, hardy, in good shape and obsessed with sports. Thus, they not only have fun and enjoyable time, but also give vent to feelings and can throw out the accumulated anger and aggression somewhere. This does not mean that they are all angry or aggressive. There are many tender and vulnerable among them who will carry you in their arms and protect you from everything. With his girlfriend, he will be cute and fluffy, but otherwise - serious, alert and a little scary.

How to date someone Afrikaans

a young african man wearing a facemask and making a heart sign

As mentioned above, each culture has its own characteristics of meeting people and finding a partner. Here are some useful things to know about this culture:

  • Acquaintance through friends. This method works in any country and any religion. It is the most reliable and simplest. There is a very high probability that your friends have a free Afrikaans man who is also looking for a mate. Ask your friends or family members to link to his page on social networks or phone number or arrange a meeting for you. As a rule, friends do not wish each other bad things and will not introduce you to someone inappropriate. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for those who do not live or know anyone in South Africa;
  • Expat groups and different establishments. An excellent option for those who work or study abroad. In large cities where there are many tourists and expats, you can find special interest clubs and establishments. There are some who only specialize in relationships. So you narrow down the circle and find people who are interested in the same thing you are. Try asking your colleagues or acquaintances, they will probably tell you where to go to look for new acquaintances;
  • Through the Internet. A very simple way, but it takes patience. But it can be used from anywhere in the world. Register on a dating site ( will help you find your love no matter where in the world it is), set filters by location, age, gender, etc. The system will offer you profiles suitable for your requirements. You just have to write a message and start a conversation.

Important points in Afrikaans dating etiquette

In this area, Africa can be very different from other countries. Some things will be useful to know if you have not grown here:

  • First step. Traditionally, it stays with the man. Try to do nothing for as long as you can so as not to offend your chosen one. You can hint to him, suggest, but do not go ahead. He may be unaccustomed and incomprehensible and he will most likely refuse or run away. Be a small, gentle and sly girl. Gently, but accurately push him to some action. So you will get what you want and he will remain a real man;
  • Elegance and manners. These are two things South African men love very much about women. People say that an elegant and well-mannered wife is the key to a successful and strong marriage. You will need to match if you want to get a good groom from this culture. Choose appropriate outfits and try to act like a queen: restrained, polite and cultured. So you will win the heart of any man;
  • Let him look after you. Try to just relax and have fun, even if you feel like you are being treated like a child. A man will try to look after you and blow dust off you if he likes you. Be ready to teach him something or persuade him for a very long time if you are a woman with progressive views and think that patriarchy is a relic of the past.

Before meeting a foreigner, do a little research about their culture and country. Look for historical points and landmarks, maybe some interesting facts about its culture.

A few more important points to know about dating Afrikaans:

  • Date place. As a rule, it reflects the further intentions of the one who chooses it. A beautiful restaurant usually means something serious - a long-term relationship or even marriage. A nightclub talks about something short-lived and fleeting. This scheme can work both ways: you can judge your partner's intentions or show yours. Ask him to let you choose a place for a first date so that you can hint to him about your desires and dreams, or show that you do not want something serious and are looking for a relationship for a couple of nights;
  • Afrikaans men know how to understand wines, as this area is home to one of the most significant vineyards in the world. There are a few vegetarian families, but most eat meat. Barbecue is one of the favorite ways to spend time and meet your loved ones in South Africa. Be prepared to accompany your partner to these meetings and get to know his family or friends;
  • Love for sports and fresh air is in their blood, and this says a lot. For example, your partner may enjoy spending a lot of time outdoors playing soccer, barbecues, or cycling. And he will definitely take you with him. It is impossible to resist with such a climate and unique flora and fauna. You are unlikely to be able to keep him at home for a long time in front of the TV, he will be subtly pulled free.Your pastime will be interesting and varied, full of positive emotions and incredible adventures;
  • Body language. Each culture has its own and often specific. In this case, there are a few exceptions and a couple of classic rules. When they first meet, they usually politely shake hands with each other looking at the eyes. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman - they will shake your hand. Once you get to know each other better, the handshake will be replaced with an analogue of the French greeting - a kiss on the cheek. Don't be intimidated or intimidated if they lean over to kiss you. Most likely they just want to say hello to you. Another classic moment when meeting or greeting is small talk about business, well-being, or the weather. Try not to seem aloof; this may be mistaken for impolite or bad manners;
  • Manners and education. As we mentioned above, Afrikaans men love well-mannered and elegant women. However, there is a nuance: it is better not to overdo it with this. It is better not to be too shy and too restrained, as this can be taken for arrogance. Try to relax and act naturally. Do not invent another personality for yourself, just be yourself and have fun meeting your (future) partner;
  • Feed yourself. There is no need to wear bright makeup or the most fashionable clothes to impress your chosen one. Don't go from one extreme to another. Dress appropriately but tastefully. South African men love natural beauty. The less makeup you wear, the better. Try something nude that's close to natural. The more you look like a nymph, the more attractive you will be to him;
  • Knowledge base. Before meeting a foreigner, do a little research about their culture and country. Look for historical points and landmarks, maybe some interesting facts about its culture. Don't look too much or try to learn the whole language at once. Just search for a few facts and find out a couple of slogans or phrases in his language. On first dates, you will have a lot to talk about and a few things to strike up a conversation if there is a pause. Your knowledge (albeit fragmentary) about his culture and country will impress him, and a few words in his native language will conquer. A big bonus would be understanding the basics of the rules of his favorite sports game (e.g. rugby). You can find out which team he likes and watch a couple of matches with him. He will be very pleased with such attention to his interests.

The beginning of a serious relationship

an african couple using a smartphone together

How quickly you move to the next level and start building something serious together depends only on you two. However, there are several cultural moments that can affect you and your relationship:

  • Familiarity with the family. This point is important in all religions, nations and countries. This is a very important step for a partner to introduce their significant other to their parents. You really mean a lot to him if he decides to take this step. His family will perceive you accordingly, because Afrikaans does not introduce every girl to her family. This is a serious step in a relationship and should be treated accordingly;
  • Unspoken rules. Everyone will expect you to look sophisticated and elegant and behave politely and well-mannered. Try to find a cute mid-length dress, apply neat makeup, you can do your hair. Nobody says that you need to bring something to the meeting, but if you take with you a bottle of good wine or a delicious dessert (ideally if it is made by your own hands). This will show your good side and impress his family. Your partner will also appreciate meeting your family when the time is right;
  • Getting married. Despite the great tradition in this area, recently the number of official marriages has been declining. Most couples just choose to live together without official registration. Talk to your partner about this moment at the very beginning of your relationship to make sure you don't have any problems in the future. Disagreements and misunderstandings can arise if you want to get married, but he does not (or vice versa);
  • Marital age. In recent years, couples are getting married much later than before. People want to get officially married after age 30, so lots of them start dating over 30 with serious intentions. Men tend to be somewhat later than women. What this can mean for you: Your partner may not enter into an official marriage with you or may not rush until 30-35 years old. It is best for the two of you to discuss these moments in a light, casual conversation at the beginning of the relationship. Such things are very important for a family future, if such conversations are omitted then you can understand that you are not on the same page and you have different opinions about marriage. By that time, it may be late and you will realize that you have wasted a lot of time.

A Few Tips for Successful Dating Afrikaans Men

There are many tips for men on the Internet, but what should a woman do who wants to find her happiness? Below you will find some small and simple tips for successful and fun dating.

  • Do not think about big expenses on his part. Some men like to leave large sums at restaurants, but this does not always work and not with everyone. Chances are, your first dates will be simple and inexpensive (for both of you). Don't expect a trip to an expensive and popular restaurant or a bouquet of hundreds of roses. First dates are needed in order to get to know each other better and nothing more. A large bouquet and an expensive dinner will be of no use if you don't like each other. Perhaps you go to a cafe or a movie, have a cup of coffee and that's it. This is enough to understand what to expect in the future;

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  • Self-confidence. In addition to sophistication and elegance, men are attracted to confident women. You will get a lot of glances and attention when you have self-assurance. It is felt when a person arrives in inner balance, is satisfied with his life and loves himself. Such people attract others to themselves;
  • A fleeting touch. With light and gentle touches, you can show your emotions and feelings better than words. Lightly touching your hand during an intense dialogue, or you can touch his shoulder or elbow when you want to get his attention. Such things bring a lot closer together and a spark appears;
  • Don't expect too much and don't build castles in the air. Dreaming and making plans is great, but it can play a trick on you. You can imagine the image of a man and build a scenario for the further development of your relationship, which may not correspond to reality. Your partner will not be to blame for this, but your relationship with him may deteriorate. Don't worry about anything, just enjoy your time with your new friend and enjoy life! helps you find your love

Millions of people around the world are registered on our service. This is a great chance to find your Afrikaans partner from the comfort of your home. To join us you need to take a few simple steps:

  • Register on the website or in the application. This can be done very simply - using mail or social networks;
  • Fill out your profile. It is very important to fill out the profile correctly: no lies! You should not write false information on your personal page. The truth will come out sooner or later and there will be several unpleasant moments;
  • Photos. Try to add recent photos or take new ones. People need to understand who they are talking to and who is sitting on the other side of the screen. It's also better not to get carried away with Photoshop and editing;
  • Set your search parameters. On our service, you can customize the filtering system: choose gender, height, country, age, treatment, etc. The system will offer profiles suitable for your requirements;
  • Start a chat. Choose the person you like and write to him. Start with something simple and easy to break the ice and start an interesting conversation.
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