Dating Malayalam singles

Meeting new people is like an incredible adventure: nowadays there are lots of people interested in Asian dating who would like to visit Malaysia and date local people. In the process you will learn a different culture trying to understand traditions and customs. Some points should be known in advance so as not to get into an awkward situation.

  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Vallerie, 30
    Cebu City, Philippines
  • Antony, 44
    Paris, France
  • ANGELA, 25
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Diego, 30
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Tony, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • Meg , 46
    estado nueva esparta, Venezuela., Colombia
  • Ash, 35
    Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Leo, 48
    Brasília, Brazil

Malayalam dating: traditions and culture

a beautiful indian girl lighting up a candle

The culture of the Indian people has many traditions and highly values ​​the institution of the family. Starting a relationship with a person of a similar culture, you immediately sign yourself up to attend all sorts of family and social events. Feel free to ask questions (just be careful with the words) and show interest. Do not be surprised if your partner's family members shun you at first. Malayalam are skeptical of foreigners in the family, like other conservative cultures. As a rule, parents expect their child to create a family with the same person as they are, so they will need time to get used to you.

Do not be surprised if your partner's family members shun you at first.

On your first dates, you can discuss the traditions and rites of your culture with your new Malayalam friend. This way both of you will know what to expect, what are the similarities and differences of your backgrounds.

It's worth talking about such things, even if you are both Malayalam. Your partner's family may be vegetarians or the spiritual component of your life may be at different levels. Such points should be discussed before your relationship becomes more serious.

Features of Traditional Malayalam Dating

Each nation and ethnic group has its own views on family and relationships. In Indian culture, parents have always chosen a couple for their child. Young people had no choice - everything was decided for them by the elders. The marriage was made under an agreement and it was thought to be a generally accepted norm. In this culture there were always clear gender roles. Such things should be gently and carefully discussed with your Malayalam date so that there are no unpleasant surprises. For a European or American, things like clear gender roles or contractual marriage may not be common. It is very important to talk about such things in advance so that you both know what to expect from each other. And there are a lot of questions for discussion, even if you are of the same culture: how do you feel and imagine the romance, how do you share household responsibilities, do you need to ask parents for permission before each date, and others.

In this culture there were always clear gender roles.

A lot of men and women have progressive and modern views on the institution of the family, marriage and relationships. But adherents of old traditions are no less and it’s better to find out who is in front of you early. Formulate your expectations from a relationship on your first dates as clearly as possible. You will both save a ton of time if you have opposing views on important things. Although opposites attract, healthy relationships should be built on understanding and respect. Also, Malaysia is not the best place for LBGT people: unfortunately, gay dating is illegal there.

Malayalam woman dating tips

hands of an indian girl holding a candle

Most malayalam women grew up in traditional Indian patriarchal culture. She is ideal for you if you are looking for a faithful and sweet wife. Be careful if you are not looking for anything serious. You can really offend and disappoint an Indian girl (another reason to discuss important cultural issues as early as possible). Here are a few important things you should know about malayalam women before calling one on a date:

  • Most likely, she will have a very serious attitude to your income. Not because she is mercantile and wants to take money from you, but because she cares about her future and wants to live in abundance. Be honest about your income, do not add a few non-existent zeros to your salary, she definitely will not like it. Tell her the truth, even if you have a small income. Malayalam women value candor and sincerity over a higher income. For sincerity and honesty you may well fall in love;
  • Malayalam girls love to eat and watch a good movie. You will need to understand both if you want to prepare an unforgettable date;
  • They understand it very well when someone is really interested in them. She may behave innocent and naive, but most likely she will see you through and through. Be honest and sincere in your intentions. Ask confidently and smile, so you will have a better chance of success. Do not be upset if she refuses. Most likely she has a boyfriend, so it's not about you;
  • Let her know that you will not rush her and put pressure on her in terms of making decisions. Show her that you are ready to wait and see her for several months without close physical or emotional contact. She herself will take the first step (or at least hint) when she is ready. Insisting on something can be useless - you will not achieve anything, but destroy the relationship;
  • On the issue of refusals: respect her decision if she does not want to meet with you. You can frighten or offend her if you vigorously express your discontent. Failure can have thousands of reasons, and it is unlikely that the problem is in you. Be polite and respectful, accept rejection with your head held high;
  • If you are familiar with a number of Mallu girls who are acquainted with each other (for example, you work together), you should not call everyone on a date. All girls love to gossip, regardless of culture or country. As soon as you offer to go on a date with one of them, others will also know about it and faster than you think. Once you call someone else, you have a great chance of becoming a freak. And it doesn’t matter after what period of time you invited another girl - a month, a day or a year. You can be dubbed a creep and kept away, because you hunt for every Mallu Girl. The best option would be to make friends with all the girls and find out who is free. Choose one girl that you like and pursue her. This way you’ll earn the respect of the entire women's team;
  • You will have a much better chance of success if you look neat and presentable. The better you look (athletic build, beautiful clothes, haircut, etc.), the more likely it is you will win the heart of any girl. Do not be too lazy to play sports, at least half an hour a day or a couple of times a week in the gym. Like any other girl, Mallu girls like handsome and charming men. You have to match if you want to go on a date with one of them.

Malayalam men dating

a handsome indian man wearing a white shirt and posing with crossed hands

Malayalam men can be very traditional or vice versa have progressive looks. There are several common points that unite most malayalam men and which you should know before looking for one:

  • They take their attitude very seriously. As a rule, Malayali guys are looking for a mate for life. Be sure to clarify this question the first time when you go on a date. It is worth making sure that you agree on this matter as early as possible;
  • He will take good care of you. A Malayali man will do everything to make his soulmate happy. They greatly respect and value their women;
  • They love football very much. Almost more than their women. Do not distract him in the details or give any instructions during the match. Just accept that it is sacred to them;
  • Malayali men will make friends for life. No matter how far he is from home, he can always turn to his friends in India and they will never refuse to help him. Friendship is very important for them, so try to accept his mates;
  • They are very modest and shy. A Malayali man can keep his feelings to himself for a long time and not be recognized. It will be hard for him to openly talk about how he feels for you. Be patient and do not put pressure on him. Most likely, he will show you his love by actions, not words;
  • They like to talk about politics. It will be great if you can keep up the conversation and even argue a little with him. The main thing is not to get involved, so as not to quarrel.

Malayalam men dating: what they are looking for in a girl

All of the facts below are optional, but will be appreciated. A girl will be more likely to succeed in the following cases:

  • He loves football. Your man will be very pleased if you share the main hobby of his life with him. He will be very happy if you sit together and watch a football match;
  • She likes to chat about politics and other similar topics. Malayalam men are very fond of reasoning and philosophizing. It will be good if they have a worthy interlocutor;
  • She takes good care of herself. Like any other man, malayalam love beautiful and well-groomed women. Be nice and careful, try not to go too far with makeup and he will give you his heart. is best service to find your perfect Malayalam date is one of the best dating services. If you want to start looking for your Malayali soulmate, you need to do a few simple things:

  • Complete the registration on our website. You can use an email or your social network page;
  • Fill in your personal profile. Add some necessary information about you that you would like to tell your future partner on the first date. But try to avoid oversharing, save something for the real date. Tell them about your hobbies and interests. So that young people could start a conversation with you about things you find interesting;
  • Start searching. Fill in search system filters with the things your future spouse should have. These can be appearance, age, education, hobbies and other things that are important for you;
  • Text her or him. Start with a simple message to your chosen one. Try to chat and get to know eachother better.
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