Dating Latvian singles

There are a lot of reasons to love Latvian people and want to find a Latvian partner for dating and relationships. Those people have a lot of qualities that make them worth attention, but a person wanting to date the Latvian should know some traits of their character and understand their culture to have the best dating experience.

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From all the Baltic countries Latvia probably has the closest relations with Russia. Certain traits in those people’s behaviour and communication with other people are very similar and many Latvians also know Russian perfectly. It’s not surprising because of the location of the country and the long period of existence as one of the Soviet republics. However, Latvians have preserved a lot of their culture and look more like their northern and European neighbours. To understand how to find a soulmate in Latvia, you should learn more about the country and people.

Culture and habits

a couple is walking outdoors in autumn

Latvia is famous for its architecture and beautiful cities, combining both European and Nordic styles. Local cities are rather quiet as the population density is low. In total, a little less than two million people live there, so in the capital, you can often come across visitors and tourists. Many people come there not only to go sightseeing but also to visit some of the traditional Latvian festivals or to celebrate holidays there.

Most of the country's population are Catholics and celebrate holidays typical of this religion. But at the same time, the memory of pagan roots is preserved and the Ligo festival is held every year. It is celebrated in the middle of summer and is accompanied by folk festivals with dances, songs and jumping over a fire. There are a lot of local dishes presented on the city streets during the holiday, and many people take part in those festivals and go for a walk with their friends, so it is a good chance to meet an attractive Latvian person there. Also, they celebrate Catholic Christmas, Easter, etc.

People love music in Latvia, and you can often hear folk motifs at city holidays. Various music festivals are also often held in Latvia, so everyone will find the event to their taste there. For those who are not fond of music festivals, the local theatres and philharmonic societies regularly stage performances there. As you may see, there are a lot of ways to entertain yourself whether you live in Latvia or just have plans to visit it. More than that, all those public places and events are pretty good for finding new friends and potential partners.


a young girl is taking a selfie outdoors

Many people all over the world consider the Latvians very beautiful because of the interesting type of appearance. The majority of Latvians are very similar to their northern neighbours and you can often meet slender fair-haired men and women. Blue or grey eyes are also common there. You can often meet Russians in Latvia, both visitors and descendants of migrants, and those girls usually look stunning too.

Do not expect great punctuality from a potential companion - probably they are just not in a hurry.

Because of the difficult history of the country, some people don’t expect to see its inhabitants cheerful and friendly, but it’s true and those people are very pleasant and hospitable for tourists. You can usually see those characteristics in personal communication, but in ordinary life, it may seem to many that Latvians are always gloomy by nature - that is the same stereotype that the Russians usually have. Like many other Slavic people, residents are more prone to concentrated calm, so they are usually walking around deep in their own thoughts. Latvia does not tolerate fuss and haste is considered a disadvantage there. So do not expect great punctuality from a potential companion - probably they are just not in a hurry.

Girls and boys in Latvia are generally well educated and well-read. People respect their country and culture, as well as each other’s feelings. Latvians are loyal to Europeans and strive to develop towards the West. That’s why it’s usually not hard for the European to find a Latvian partner, but people from other countries still have a chance to do so.

What dating a Latvian girl is like

an attractive woman is taking a selfie at home

There are a lot of reasons why Latvian girls are so popular and loved in many countries. The very first obvious reason is connected with their beauty - Latvian ladies are often considered as the most beautiful women in Europe. They usually have a very feminine appearance, and even though there are always exceptions, most of them have beautiful slim figures and pretty faces. They also know how to preserve their natural beauty: dating over 30 is not a problem for them because of their great looks.

Another advantage is their character - most of the Latvian women are humble, cheerful, well-educated and loyal, they know what they want and have their own goals and dreams. That is one of the main differences between a Russian and a Latvian girl: Russian ladies tend to have a lower level of independence and a big percentage of them would be more than happy to find a husband who will manage most of the family’s problems. A Latvian woman usually has her own interests and she would be not only a nice partner for relationships and dating but also a loyal companion.

Meetings and dates in Latvia are usually quite traditional. A small bouquet will be appropriate at the first meeting - try to avoid yellow colour or even number of flowers, cause it might be considered as a bad sign in Eastern Europe. If a man behaves like a real gentleman, it’s always an advantage, so be flirty but respectful at the same time. Just like other women, Latvian ladies like compliments, but avoid adulation - it always sounds insincere, and a Latvian woman will notice that as well.

It’s not a good gesture to give her expensive gifts on the first date and at the beginning of the relationship as well - a woman might think you’re trying to buy her, and this disrespectful behaviour would be censured by most Latvian women. Of course, there always are “bar girls” who you can often see in nightclubs and bars - they usually violate the trust of tourists and the locals and scam them for money. Those women would like to have all possible presents and gifts you can give them, but it won’t help you to find the right person to start a relationship with at all. Women interested in wealthy men usually use the best rich men dating sites instead of regular dating.

There is an unwritten rule of going to the restaurant in eastern Europe - look at what your companion is going to order and do the same.

One of the most popular date options in Latvia is going to the restaurant - it’s traditional, safe, pleasant and gives you both an opportunity to talk and know each other better. There is an unwritten rule of going to the restaurant in eastern Europe - look at what your companion is going to order and do the same. It doesn’t mean that you need to choose exactly the same dishes, but if your lady isn’t going to drink alcohol, then you shouldn’t either. The same happens with most dishes - if one person orders only salad or dessert then the other one shouldn’t eat a lot of dishes too. Of course, women tend to eat and drink less than men do, so it’s always important to find the balance. But having your mouth full of food during the whole evening was intended to be a time to communicate - that’s not the best idea in any case.

Latvian women tend to be pretty independent in some aspects of their personality and rather conservative in the others, so most of them prefer their men to pay for them in restaurants and cafes. At the same time, if a woman tells you that it’s better to split the bill - it’s better to agree and not to impose your will. Some women might pretend to be very modest and expect you to insist on paying for her, but you’ll probably understand that because of the tone of her voice and mimics. If a man chooses a restaurant or another expensive place to visit, then in most cases he has to pay, because it is his initiative to invite her there.

A Latvian partner can bring happiness in every person’s life and be a good-looking, intelligent and loyal soulmate for everyone. Those people are worth putting an effort into relationships with, so every person wanting to date a Latvian person will be happy to find one. The easiest way to do so is to find a person of your dream online on We will help you to make a perfect match and find your true love!

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