Dating Korean singles

South Korea has become extremely popular recently because of Korean music and fashion. You can see many Korean bands on TV, girls all over the world are crazy about Korean makeup products and cosmetics, Korean dramas are highly discussed on the Internet and in real life. Many modern girls all over the world dream of looking like a Korean young woman, they dream of living in Korea and dating Korean men from their favourite band. Korea is trending, Korea is seen everywhere, so no wonder that many people all over the world are interested in Korean dating and look for a Korean dating site to find their love.

  • S. A. M. I, 24
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Vallerie, 30
    Cebu City, Philippines
  • Rongdan, 26
    Nanning, China
  • Antony, 44
    Paris, France
  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Pinky💖💕, 26
    Paris, France
  • Leo, 48
    Brasília, Brazil
  • Elena, 41
    Kamenskoe, Ukraine
  • ANGELA, 25
    Bogotá, Colombia

Even though there are a lot of modern Korean people who feel, behave and date just like Western people from other countries, there are still some differences between dating Korean men or women and dating people from America or Europe. There are some traits of Korean character you should know about whether you want to find a Korean girl in your own country or go to Korea to find your love there.

A lot of stereotypes tend to be true at least a bit, and it’s always better to be prepared and to know what to expect from dating a person from another country.

Of course, all people are different and it’s usually better not to use any generalisations, especially when you speak about a whole group of people. More than that, every single dating experience may differ, so often it’s not much use in asking someone’s advice in such sensitive and individual things as dating. At the same time, a lot of stereotypes tend to be true at least a bit, and it’s always better to be prepared and to know what to expect from dating a person from another country. Many cultural differences can collapse in a big issue, so everyone wanting to date a beautiful Korean girl should be aware of some possible situations and things that can help make strong and healthy relationships.

Why dating Korean women is so desirable

a beautiful asian woman posing with a lolipop

The increasing popularity of Korea has made Korean women and men extremely loved, so they are extremely sought after. Beautiful Korean people have become so appealing for Western people that there is even a special term “Korean Fever”, which means, of course, a period of a person’s life, when they are highly obsessed with everything connected with this country. Have you ever seen teenage girls wearing a Korean-like makeup or dressing as K-pop stars? What about posts in social media with photos of K-pop bands? Of course, you have, and that’s a good example of a Korean Fewer on the Internet and in real life. Some people even say that after you try dating a Korean girl, you won’t date any girls from other countries after. But what makes Asian dating so amazing?

Of course, the very first thing to mention is the appearance of Korean ladies. They are usually seen as very feminine, fragile, petite, with slim teen-like bodies and soft innocent faces. Korean women tend to have long hair of natural colours, nude or neutral makeup, which is much softer than in America or Europe. While most women all over the world dream of having a perfect tan and use a lot of products and procedures to look closer to desirable golden-brown skin colour, Korean women prefer having their skin milk-white and avoid sunlight as much as possible. Another thing that is extremely popular in Korea nowadays - various plastic surgeries that might vary from something you almost can’t notice unless you look really close to some very serious surgeries that can change some peoples’ look drastically and improve their life a lot. But even with all those things, those women still manage to look very natural and young. So everyone dreaming to date an innocent fairy-like princess admit the stunning beauty of Korean girls.

Another thing - their attitude towards dating and relationships in general. Korean girls might be pretty wary about dating a foreigner and dating in general - a lot of Western men have an “Asian fetish”, so Asian women are usually unsure and anxious thinking of whether they are actually interesting to a man showing them signs of attention or is he just “into Asian girls”. At the same time, if a Korean woman is sure that she’s loved and respected, she will be a caring, loving and passionate girlfriend and wife.

What you should know about Korean dating culture

a beautiful asian woman is checking her phone

There are a lot of stereotypes about dating an Asian girl, and of course, some of them are absolutely false while some are generally not. For men interested in Korean dating there are some aspects worth taking into account.


In Korea any tourist (and especially a white man) is usually seen as a playboy or womaniser. This stereotype is often not connected with the behavior of each individual, but in general white tourists coming there have a lot of attention from the locals, so that’s why local women tend to be incredulous to them. Even though a Korean woman you like might think you’re just another playboy who’s trying to get into her bedroom as soon as possible. Prove her that this statement is wrong and that won’t be a problem anymore. A Korean girl might ask you to look through your phone; remember, that it’s not her being incredulous to you personally, but her culture telling her that you might be chatting and flirting with other girls. Don’t be annoyed and let her do that sometimes to make her feel secure and exclusive.

The fact is that this “Korean fewer” makes Korean women think that a guy is interested in them only because of their race.

Make her sure you’re not dating her because she is “easy”

There is another stereotype about a Western man dating a Korean girl because she is “an easy target” and it’s easy to impress her and get in her bedroom. Once again, there is nothing personal; she might think that you see her as “easy” because of that. Show her some respect, listen to her, don’t be too pushy and don’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to and everything will be fine. Once she starts to feel that it’s her personality that attracts you, she’ll become more open and trustful.

Let her know she’s not a “fetish”

Another thing that might seem paradoxical, but it’s true. Even though Korean girls are that popular nowadays, it doesn’t mean they have a lot of options who to date, especially when it comes to dating a foreigner. The fact is that this “Korean fewer” makes Korean women think that a guy is interested in them only because of their race; some men have a “fetish” on Asian women. As you may understand, a lot of men writing to her and asking her out are not interested in her personality and what kind of human she is. Instead, they are most likely dreaming of her wearing a short skirt and cat ears or something like that. Make her understand that she is not only her race and stereotypically cute Asian girl, and she will love you even more than before.

Who pays on a date?

That’s a controversial question for many people living in different countries, but not for Koreans. As a rule, Korean men pay on dates and hardly ever any Korean girl with traditional views would offer to split the bill. At the same time, a lot of modern women might offer to pay for dessert or coffee after lunch, but if that doesn’t happen - don’t push her or you’ll be seen as a greedy man. Also, there is a love-centric day on the 11th of every month, so be prepared to give her some symbolic gifts. Don’t be afraid to spend too much - every girl in Korea understands that’s not a birthday, so those gifts don’t need to be expensive - they just show her that you want to make her happy and appreciate her.

Learn Korean to communicate efficiently

That’s the thing that should be done in every relationship in which partners belong to different countries and speak different languages. Even though in many situations English, which is used internationally, can help, there are a lot of situations, nuances, feelings you’d like to express in Korean to make your girlfriend fully understand you. Also, you’d probably like to know what your girlfriend is speaking about with her Korean friends and parents. To avoid misunderstanding, it’s better to understand Korean well enough to be able to understand and communicate at least on a basic level. Don’t forget that many Korean people are highly educated and can provide you with a lot of interesting conversations and discussions of various topics - if you can understand them, of course.

Even though a lot of those things are considered “girly” in the Western world, they are pretty normal for both girls and guys in Korea.

Be prepared for lots of cute stuff

There are a lot of cute things that are rather essential for Korean couples but might be a little bit childish for Western men. There is a lot of small cute stuff in the local shops, a lot of items that can be given as presents for partners, a lot of cute emojis in messengers that you’re expected to send to your Korean girlfriend. Even though a lot of those things are considered “girly” in the Western world, they are pretty normal for both girls and guys in Korea. So even if you’re a stereotypically masculine man, show some solidarity and send her a cute emoji while asking her out on a date.

Find a match online

There are a lot of ways to find a Korean partner, but one of the easiest and the most comfortable things you can do is to use a Korean dating site. There are various Korean dating sites people can use to find a significant other, but is the best option not only for Korean people but also for foreigners who want to find a Korean partner for starting relationships. is made to help people date not only local people but also to try global dating. Your potential partner might be waiting for you anywhere, and our service helps lonely hearts to find their soulmates no matter where they are from. There is no need in limiting yourself while looking for your true happiness. Join now and find your Korean love now!

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