Dating in Ireland

Meeting the right person to date often seems quite hard for Irish boys and girls. While the country and its inhabitants is quite romanticized, the whole dating scene in Ireland is a bit weird. If you want to explore the irish dating scene you should come prepared. Even though you’ll get a warm welcome and multiple possibilities to meet irish singles, you’ll definitely have to get some time to adjust to the local culture. Having that said, we still encourage you to plunge into the world of irish dating and get a chance to settle your love life.

  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Pinky💖💕, 26
    Paris, France
  • Leo, 48
    Brasília, Brazil
  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Sam, 55
    Houston, USA
  • Vallerie, 30
    Cebu City, Philippines
  • Ash, 35
    Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Elena, 41
    Kamenskoe, Ukraine
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Meg , 46
    estado nueva esparta, Venezuela., Colombia

Dating in Ireland: the main idea

If you ask your irish friends about dating and relationships in their country, you’ll be surprised to know that dating in its regular meaning doesn’t really exist here. People do see each other and go out in couples, but they don’t necessarily call it dating. Regularly it all starts at various meetings and parties where groups of friends have a chance to spend time together. If two people feel attracted to each other, first they just keep seeing each other at events like this. Some time later they might agree to meet for a coffee or walk round the city. This is still not called a date, even though the two people definitely like each other. This can go on for quite a while, until one of the people takes the action into their own hands and asks to become exclusive or “go steady”, as they say in Ireland.

People here enjoy online dating just like other modern countries do and are not judgemental about such encounters at all.

This method of meeting a partner might seem a bit conservative for people outside Ireland. But the irish think this is actually a great way which allows you to ensure you know a lot about your potential significant other and make a decision to date with much more information than just a picture and a bio.

It’s not that there are no irish dating sites. People here enjoy online dating just like other modern countries do and are not judgemental about such encounters at all. It is just that the culture of online dating is developing a bit slower and dating seniors chats are less widespread.

But there is a thing which makes dating in Ireland especially great: if people here decide to get involved in dating, it is a serious matter for them. Most irish people are interested in long-time relationships and are ready to become committed to the person they choose. Don’t expect a proposal too soon, as it might take two or three years of dating before this happens, but you can be sure that your irish date won’t be bothered by other individuals while you are together.

a pretty ginger girl’s portrait outdoors in the autumn

The main traits of irish dating culture

Now let’s get to the more particular features reflected in the irish dating culture.

Everyone knows everyone

This is the issue which people living in smaller cities and suburban areas face regularly and, as Ireland is a small country, there are mutual acquaintances with everyone here. Even though two people might have never seen each other there can be a friend or a cousin or another distant relative who knows both of them. This is definitely a great thing if you want to know more about your possible date - just text your mutual friend and you will know everything you find important.

On the other hand, you won’t be able to make a step without bumping into your exes. There aren’t many places which you can attend together with your new partner, but your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend definitely has the same needs, so you’ll have to deal with seeing them regularly.

Fancy dates are expensive

It is not that easy to take your partner to a fancy restaurant or make an amazing surprize just because not everyone can afford it. Prices of food and drinks are quite high in local cafes and restaurants. If you are a working person and have a decent job it won’t cause much trouble but you probably won’t decide to go out regularly. Younger irish guys and girls sometimes choose to save the money to impress their partner with an unusual date, but generally overwhelmingly expensive gestures are just not what irish people are used to.

This means that irish dating includes other kinds of activities. There are pubs and bars where people go to grab a drink together, and while this is strongly associated with irish and british culture altogether, there are much more local people can suggest you to do. Many dates and meetings are spent outdoors. If the irish city you live in has access to the sea, a walk on the beach will be highly appreciated.

a young man smiling while posing

Irish dating doesn’t exclude social life

Irish people are extremely welcoming and will be happy to introduce you to their friends.

Especially since many people meet through friends or social gatherings, social life remains an important part of everyone’s lifestyle. Even though you have a partner you can still see your friends regardless of their gender. And group meetings with friends will go on just as they did before.

In case you are an “outsider” and happen to not have mutual acquaintances, you’ll be invited to the friend group very fast. Irish people are extremely welcoming and will be happy to introduce you to their friends. It is not such a big deal and isn’t treated like a whole new step in the relationships.

Family matters

Irish people keep tight bonds with their family so you’ll definitely have to go through meeting the parents and getting their approval. Many people, who are single at 30, still live with their parents. And the main critic of the family is usually the mom of your significant other. She will be happy to welcome you home and very polite, but don’t think she has no expectations. And you’ll find out how well you meet the criteria your partner’s mom set pretty fast. But if she likes you, you can be sure you gained another great irish friend.

a beautiful couple on a cosy autumn picnic outdoors

Online dating in Ireland

If you want to start dating irish singles online, you will meet the definite issue: there are not many good dating sites and apps in Ireland. The sphere yet takes it time to develop, so for now it is much better to stick to big and famous dating sites and apps while dating in Ireland. is definitely one of the platforms which is worth your attention and here is why:

  • The reputation of this dating website is confirmed by thousands of happy couples. The platform exists for over 25 years and helped multiple individuals to get into joyos relationships with like-minded person;
  • It is totally safe to use which is a priority for many irish people choosing a site for dating purposes. The website protects all the information used to register and encourages each user to take extra precautions. The team of even created a list of safety guidelines which can help feel secure while dating irish singles;
  • The platform is convenient to use and is both available in a web page format and as a mobile application. This means you are not limited to your computer only and can continue chatting to your potential date wherever you are - you just need to download the app and log into your account. The application is both available for iOS and Android;
  • There is a huge database with thousands of single people from all over the world. Wherever you are, you can just notify your location and get a list of singles from your place. But you can also specify other traits you think your partner should have such as appearance, hobbies, education and many more. This means you won’t have to waste your time and will be sure the person you are talking to suits your needs. The search systems will easily find you compatible partners regardless of the demands you have as there is definitely the one for you out there.

It won’t take you long to start using There are just a few steps you need to take:

  • Create your account. You can complete a simple email registration or login using one of your social media accounts;
  • Fill in your profile. This is the first thing your potential partners will judge you by, so you have to present yourself well. Describe your interests as well as your character and just everything you think a potential date might need to know. Don’t go into too many details: first of all, you have to leave something to talk about but also oversharing can lead to information leakage;
  • Choose your profile picture. This is yet another thing your dates will see first, so choose the ones which represent you well. Try to use the recent pictures otherwise your partner will be surprised when you finally meet each other in real life. And don’t overdo photoshop - you are definitely beautiful as you are;
  • Start the search. Now you are on the final step and can actually start looking for a partner. You can vary search settings just as you need so that the system could present you only the most compatible individuals. When you are done with the settings you will get the list of partners which meet your criteria. Don’t hesitate and start texting the ones you like.

Join and have the best experience dating irish singles. The love of your life is waiting for you.

a young pretty girl having a selfie while sightseeing

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