Dating a sailor

Sailors are very interesting people. They travel to different countries, see foreign cultures, live for months on a ship as a team fighting water elements on the high seas. Dating singles on sailboats could be tricky and complicated. Long-distance relationships have their advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you what to expect from having a relationship with a sailor.

  • Irina, 42
    Hostomel, Ukraine
  • Ash, 35
    Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Sacha, 37
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Lanlan, 54
    Shenzhen, China
  • CutieTheBeauty , 24
    Lamu, Kenya
  • Vallerie, 30
    Cebu City, Philippines
  • Shirly, 55
    Cebu City, Philippines
  • Leo, 48
    Brasília, Brazil
  • Jenn NY, 26
    Ukrainka, Ukraine
  • Diego, 30
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Tatyana, 51
    Bender, Moldova

Looking for a sailor

The best place to search is traditionally bars and pubs near ports. There are some other ways to meet your destiny in the modern world:

  • Different types of dating events. You can meet everyone there including sailors;
  • Community events in port cities. Especially in those that are important stops for ships from around the world. In such cities many sailors always walk;
  • Attend Navy events. This is the easiest way to meet a sailor offline. Just look out for a handsome man in uniform and approach to get acquainted;
  • On our website. In the search system you can find the filter you need. The system will give you men who are fond of sailing. Choose the one you like and text him. This is the easiest way to find a sailor online without leaving your home.

a handsome young man in a white shirt posing outdoors

Keep your mind clear

Do not believe stereotypes. According to them, sailors drink and curse more than other men. Most often, rumors are exaggerated, but not always. Most singles over 30 want to get a long-term partner, and sailors are not an exception. Stay clear-headed, watch the chosen one from the side.They say that every sailor has a girl waiting for him at every port. This rule can be applied to all people who travel a lot on business trips and to pilots as well. Try not to believe the rumors blindly, think with your own head. If you take such a relationship seriously, discuss the terms with the guy before moving on to the next level. If your sailor does not answer you, this does not mean that he is cheating on you. Most likely he is just busy or out of the network range. Do not go crazy, switch to other aspects of your life.

You can plan a romantic dinner for two, but somebody will call him and everything will have to be canceled.

Deal with schedule

Sailing dating could be very difficult because of the schedule. Often it is unpredictable and could change in a matter of minutes. You can plan a romantic dinner for two, but somebody will call him and everything will have to be canceled. He may call you late in the evening suddenly and ask if you can meet him for an hour. Because of these moments, it will be difficult to celebrate every holiday together. It is important to understand that he does not control this in any way and cannot influence anything. It’s not his fault. The only thing you can do is enjoy spending time together.

Stay in touch

You’ll have to get used to the fact that he’s away all the time. He might be away for several months. It can be especially difficult during an emotional crisis. At moments like that you want a loved one to be nearby, and he will be 1000 miles away. Try to constantly communicate with each other. Call up, write to each other in instant messengers or chat on Skype. If he will not be allowed to communicate regularly, you can always write the most ordinary letters by hand. There is nothing more touching and tender than a handwritten letter from a loved one from afar.

a handsome bearded man in a black shirt posing outdoors

Respect every part of his work

Sailors do not have the right to tell certain things to even the closest people more often. It is important to understand that this is not curled from him, he just obeys the order. He may go ashore and not tell you where he is going, treat this with respect and understanding. Do not scold him for secrecy and evasiveness - this is a part of his work.

Have patience

He knows himself how many problems he delivers with his work, it is not necessary to remind him all the time about this. Such a relationship will be based on mutual trust in mutual understanding. He almost always would be far away, so that you will have to take on all household duties by yourself. To brighten up everyday life without him, find an interesting job and a couple of hobbies. Friends and family will support you. When he returns, you can spend precious time together.

a woman is enjoying her online dating and sending hearts to her partner

As you can see, dating a sailor is not easy at all. Think everything through before starting a relationship like that. Remember that life has no borders and you can go through all these problems together.

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