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How to know if you are bisexual?

There might be lots of attractive people around - but how to know if you are bisexual? Modern people know way more about different types of sexual preferences than they used to, but it’s still not easy to understand how to tell if you are bisexual for most individuals.

How to know if you are bisexual?

There might be lots of attractive people around - but how to know if you are bisexual? Modern people know way more about different types of sexual preferences than they used to, but it’s still not easy to understand how to tell if you are bisexual for most individuals.

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    Los Angeles, USA
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    Lagos, Nigeria
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    London, United Kingdom
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    Geneva, Switzerland
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    Catigbian, Philippines
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    Bogotá, Colombia
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    Bogotá, Colombia
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    Shanghai, China
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    California City, USA
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    Chicago, USA
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    Madrid, Spain
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    Ukrainka, Ukraine

Nowadays, most of us know that there are plenty of types of sexual attraction that people can have. If your main question is how to know if you are bisexual, then it’s time to explore yourself and dive into a pretty complicated question. Read further to find out more!

a woman kissing her girlfriend’s cheek

What does it mean to be bisexual?

Understanding your own sexual orientation can be quite easy for some individuals - they just simply know it right from the start. But how to tell if you are bisexual when you’re not that sure about it?

Lots of people think they’re completely straight up to the point they suddenly realize they like someone who’s the same biological sex or gender as they are. It happens to lots of people these days, because now people can discuss and process their sexual preferences more openly. So, how to know if you are bisexual?

Explore Your Attractions

Take the time to actually explore your preferences and feelings towards individuals of various genders. Reflect on your personal experiences and notice patterns in your emotional and physical responses. Consider attractions you may have felt towards both males and females or individuals of various genders - that’s how to tell if you are bisexual.

Question Assumptions

Challenge societal assumptions about sexuality and accept the idea that attractions are not always confined to a simple binary understanding. Questioning assumptions helps you to explore the fluidity of your attractions beyond any existing traditional norms.

Reflect on Past Relationships

Reflect on your previous relationships and also experiences. Consider the nature of your attractions, whether they've been solely towards one gender or if you've felt connections with individuals of various genders. Identifying patterns can provide helpful insights into your personal sexual orientation.

Recognize whether you've formed deep emotional bonds with people regardless of their gender. Acknowledging emotional connections can be a key indicator of your capacity for diverse attractions.

Acknowledge Emotional Connections

Pay attention to your emotional ties with others. Recognize whether you've formed deep emotional bonds with people regardless of their gender. Acknowledging emotional connections can be a key indicator of your capacity for diverse attractions.

Educate Yourself

Educate yourself about bisexuality and also other existing sexual orientations. Understanding the whole spectrum of someone's sexuality helps create a framework for self-discovery. Familiarize yourself with terms, experiences, and the diverse ways people express their attractions.

Consider the Kinsey Scale

The Kinsey Scale that measures sexual orientation on a continuum can also provide a helpful framework for self-understanding. Reflect on where you might fall on the scale, considering attractions beyond a binary perspective.

Explore the LGBTQ+ Community

Engage with the LGBTQ+ community to get some useful insights into different sexual orientations and also experiences. Connecting with individuals who share similar journeys can provide genuine support, guidance, and a sense of belonging as you navigate your own understanding of bisexuality.

Journal Your Feelings

Journaling your feelings and experiences can be a truly powerful tool for self-discovery. Document your attractions, thoughts, and emotions related to different genders. Reviewing your journal entries over time may reveal patterns and help solidify your understanding.

Seek Professional Support

If you find the process challenging, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or counselor. They can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to reflect on your feelings, navigate self-discovery, and gain valuable insights.

Trust Your Instincts

Trusting your instincts is crucial. Pay attention to your inner feelings and accept the authenticity of your attractions. Trusting yourself empowers you to embrace and accept your bisexuality on your terms.

Accept the idea that your understanding of your own bisexuality can change, and that's perfectly normal.

Recognize Fluidity Over Time

Understand that your feelings and preferences can be fluid and may evolve over time. Accept the idea that your understanding of your own bisexuality can change, and that's perfectly normal.

Explore Different Labels

Consider exploring different labels within the bisexual spectrum. Terms like pansexuality or queer may resonate with you, offering nuanced ways to express your unique experiences of attraction.

Engage in Self-Reflection Activities

Engage in self-reflection activities, such as mindfulness or meditation. Creating moments of stillness can help you connect with your inner thoughts and feelings, providing clarity on your attractions.

Seek Peer Support

Connect with peers who might have similar experiences. Peer support groups or online communities can give you valuable insights, shared stories, and a sense of camaraderie as you navigate your own understanding of yourself.

Understand Bisexuality as a Valid Identity

Accept the idea that your bisexuality is a perfectly valid and legitimate sexual orientation. It is not a phase or confusion but a genuine expression of attraction to different people.

Embrace the Diversity

Embrace the diverse experiences within bisexuality. Some of us may experience attraction in a balanced manner, while others may lean towards one gender more frequently. Your unique experience is valid within the broader spectrum of attraction.

Consider Coming Out to Trusted Individuals

If you are comfortable, consider coming out to trusted people or family members. Sharing your personal thoughts and feelings with supportive people can provide an additional layer of understanding and acceptance.

Attend Sexuality Workshops or Talks

Attend workshops or talks focused on sexuality and sexual orientation. These educational settings can offer some insights into the various aspects of sexual identity and also provide a space for questions and discussions.

Utilize Creative Outlets

Express your feelings through creative outlets, such as writing, art, or music. Creative expression can be a powerful means to connect with and explore the complexities of your attractions.

Connect with LGBTQ+ Role Models

Seek inspiration from LGBTQ+ role models who openly discuss their experiences with your orientation. Their stories may resonate with your own journey and provide guidance as you navigate your understanding of bisexuality.

Asian boyfriends playing video games together

Is it OK to be bisexual?

Sexual Orientation as a Spectrum

Acknowledging and embracing your preferences involves recognizing that sexual orientation is a spectrum. Bisexuality acknowledges the diversity and complexity of human sexuality, understanding that individuals can experience attractions across a range of genders. It's an affirmation that attraction is multifaceted and varies from person to person.

Validation of Personal Experience

Being bisexual is a valid and legitimate way to experience attraction. It's crucial to affirm and validate individual experiences rather than adhering to rigid, binary views of sexuality. Bisexuality encompasses a broad spectrum of attractions, offering a nuanced understanding of human connection. Reflect on your own preferences - that’s how to know if you are bisexual girl.

Embracing the Nuances of Attraction

Bisexuality champions the intricacies and nuances within attraction. It recognizes that attraction is a dynamic interplay of emotions, intellect, and physical connections, transcending the limitations of a singular focus on gender.

Dismantling Conventional Boundaries

Choosing to embrace bisexuality actively dismantles conventional boundaries that have confined our understanding of sexual orientation. It challenges the rigid belief that attraction should conform to predefined categories, paving the way for a more inclusive perspective that honors the diverse manifestations of love and desire.

By embracing bisexuality, we contribute to fostering a society that appreciates and respects the unique experiences of each person, recognizing the interconnected nature of identity.

Navigating Intersectionality

Bisexuality, as an intersectional identity, weaves through various facets of an individual's identity, including gender, race, and culture. By embracing bisexuality, we contribute to fostering a society that appreciates and respects the unique experiences of each person, recognizing the interconnected nature of identity.

Eradicating Stereotypes and Misconceptions

Validating bisexuality plays a crucial role in dispelling harmful stereotypes and misconceptions that surround this sexual orientation. By challenging these unfounded beliefs, we pave the way for a more informed and supportive environment where individuals can authentically express themselves.

Enhancing Emotional Well-Being

Embracing and accepting one's sexual orientation, including bisexuality, is closely tied to positive emotional well-being. Establishing an atmosphere of validation and support fosters a sense of belonging and contributes to overall mental health.

Facilitating Honest Dialogues

The acceptance of bisexuality promotes open and honest dialogues about the diverse spectrum of sexual orientations. Cultivating an environment where individuals feel free to share their experiences without judgment fosters a culture of inclusivity and understanding.

Amplifying LGBTQ+ Representation

Acknowledging the legitimacy of bisexuality actively contributes to the visibility of the LGBTQ+ community. It reinforces the significance of diverse sexual orientations and identities, amplifying the representation of varied human experiences within the broader social landscape.

a portrait of two young women

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

Before you can understand how to figure out if you are bisexual, you should also know the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality. While these terms might seem pretty similar, they actually have some core differences that you should also know about.

Bisexuality Unveiled

Bisexuality denotes the ability to experience romantic or sexual attraction to individuals of more than one gender. While it often encompasses attraction to both men and women, it doesn't necessarily signify an equal attraction to all genders.

Crucially, bisexuality is inclusive and can extend to attractions to non-binary or genderqueer individuals. It operates as an overarching term recognizing a spectrum of attractions, steering away from a strictly gender-blind perspective.

Pansexual individuals find themselves attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or expression. This includes an attraction to men, women, non-binary individuals, genderqueer individuals, and individuals with diverse gender identities.

Decoding Pansexuality

Conversely, pansexuality broadens the spectrum of attraction beyond the traditional binary understanding of gender. Pansexual individuals find themselves attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or expression. This includes an attraction to men, women, non-binary individuals, genderqueer individuals, and individuals with diverse gender identities.

Pansexuality is characterized by the notion that gender does not hold a defining role in attraction. Instead, it emphasizes emotional, intellectual, and physical connections with individuals, irrespective of their gender.

Key Distinctions

So, now you know the basic difference between those two terms. But how to know if you are bisexual man? Or, probably, how to know if you are a bisexual woman? For most people, it might be even harder to understand the difference than to acknowledge their own sexual preferences, simply because it takes lots of time and effort to actually understand what you feel.

To understand the difference between those two types of sexual orientation better, let’s compare them in detail. Be ready to feel a bit confused at first: both orientations mean liking men and women, but it’s actually a bit more complicated than that.

Gender Spectrum vs. Gender Blind


Recognizes and accepts the gender spectrum, expressing attraction to more than one gender but not necessarily all genders. It doesn't negate the importance of gender in attraction.


Takes a more gender-blind approach, emphasizing attraction based on personal qualities and bonds rather than being influenced by the gender identity of the potential partner.

All-Inclusive vs. Multi-Gender Attraction


Shows attraction to partners of multiple genders, but the focus may vary, and it doesn't explicitly include all genders.


Embraces an all-inclusive perspective, expressing attraction to someone regardless of their gender identity, acknowledging and accepting a broad spectrum of gender expressions.

Attraction Spectrum vs. Gender-Blind Spectrum


Exists within the context of a gender spectrum, acknowledging and embracing the diversity of gender identities.


Operates within a gender-blind spectrum, highlighting the capacity for attraction without the limitations imposed by traditional gender categories.

a portrait of a senior gay couple - the best dating site for bisexuals!

When you are a bisexual, then you might have more options, but it’s not always easy to find a suitable partner. Meanwhile, it’s always easier to look for love online - and there are LGBTQ+-friendly services that are ready to help you!

With, you can not only find more potential partners, but also further explore your sexuality and communicate with like-minded people. Real experience is the best answer on how to figure out if you are bisexual, and is always happy to help you!

Create an account, list your preferences, and start your new romantic adventure online. On, no one will judge you - so you can find a perfect partner for you!

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