Dating single Polish guys

Poland is an amazing country which combines lots of Western and Slavic features and therefore becomes even more interesting and exciting: it’s a place where you can see old European architecture and amazingly beautiful and picturesque sceneries, lots of museums and places of interest to visit to learn more about its culture and history and many restaurants with delicious local cuisine which definitely won’t leave you indifferent. It’s a country with a rough history and past which is a motherland of strong and determined people who can withstand almost everything: Polish people are hardworking and tough and it’s especially true when you think of Polish men - and that’s only one of the reasons why women all over the world would like to date them.

  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Sam, 55
    Houston, USA
  • CutieTheBeauty , 24
    Lamu, Kenya
  • Meg , 46
    estado nueva esparta, Venezuela., Colombia
  • Scarlett , 35
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Jenn NY, 26
    Ukrainka, Ukraine
  • Viktoriia, 42
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Lyubov, 25
    London, United Kingdom
  • Irina, 39
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Rongdan, 26
    Nanning, China
  • Ayomidelove, 37
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Ellianna , 34
    Makati City, Philippines

Poland is a country which is definitely worth visiting and seeing with your own eyes, but local men attract some foreign women even more: these guys are masculine, honest and caring and they can become amazing boyfriends, husbands and fathers. Whether you already know an attractive polish guy whose attention you would like to attract or you want to meet a single Poland man for dating and relationships, you need to know more about these men and what to expect from being in relationships with them. These men might look a bit reserved and cold but they are extremely warm-hearted to people they know better and they always have something to surprise you!

an attractive middle-aged man is posing outdoors

What you should know about dating Polish guys

Poland is a country with an interesting and unique culture that has lots of European and Slavic features but still has many unique traits and traditions. Polish people tend to be pretty conservative, and it’s a big per cent of religious people living there: most Polish people are catholic and they value traditional family features a lot. The Poles love children; they respect their parents and elderly people, they work hard to provide for their families and kids. A Polish guy is a man who can be a great provider for his family and a real knight protecting the well-being of his dearest people.

Polish men don’t have too high expectations: they understand that we’re all just humans and don’t expect their partners to look or behave like movie stars all the time.

Dating a Polish guy can become an amazing experience for every woman: these men have lots of great qualities which are extremely liked by ladies all over the world. Though some women prefer stylish and fashionable men, others are more into masculine and tough guys who can become real heads of their families while being caring and respectful to their ladies. There are some great features of Polish guys which can explain what to expect from these men: though there are always people who don’t suit stereotypes, there are also lots of things which can describe many people living in the same area with similar standards of living. These are some bright features of most Polish men:

  • These guys are down-to-earth. Though lots of young Polish guys dream of living a better life, they clearly understand that every success requires lots of hard work and effort, and therefore they prefer not to dream too big. Lots of Polish men move to other countries for work and education, so they know how to work hard and earn their living. Also, they remember that their comfort and the comfort of their closest people is important as well: they know how to be economical, they can fix lots of things themselves and they always try their best to improve their life and life of their partner;
  • They like you for who you are. Polish men don’t have too high expectations: they understand that we’re all just humans and don’t expect their partners to look or behave like movie stars all the time. No one is flawless, so there’s no pressure: they love you for who you are, congratulate you when you succeed and motivate you to improve yourself as well. You don’t have to be 10/10 to date a Polish guy - just be a nice person who suits his taste and that’s it;
  • Polish men are loyal and sincere. Infidelity is very uncommon there: it might be connected with Catholic influence on Polish society or just upbringing, but these men don’t cheat. A Polish guy understands that it’s better to invest time and effort into his relationship rather than to find someone new and start dating again and again. Once again - there are no perfect people, and it’s better to be with your partner for a long time, especially if you have an opportunity to constantly improve your relationship. Therefore, for taken Polish guys other girls simply don’t exist, and this approach can be liked by many women all over the world;
  • These men are ready to commit pretty early. While people from many Western countries tend to marry when they’re about 30, lots of Polish people prefer serious relationships from the very beginning and they marry pretty soon as well. Polish people tend to be very family-oriented: they are not afraid of responsibilities and obligations, so they see no problems in marriage when they feel like they’ve met “the one”. A married Polish guy often behaves like a real breadwinner: it’s considered a man’s duty to provide for his family, so lots of these men work really hard to improve their houses, to satisfy their family’s needs and feel the value of their hard work. They see not much sense in fruitless dating that can’t potentially turn into marriage: for many conservative Polish people such relationship is seen as a waste of time;
  • They are handsome. In general, Polish men are handsome and tall: their height is usually about 6ft and they have slim and strong bodies which allow them to look pretty young and strong for a long time. Most of them are not extremely muscular and huge, but they definitely have muscles and good health: these men understand that it’s more reasonable for them to attend gyms in moderation to keep fit instead of gaining huge mass and spending lots of time there. Most of them have attractive masculine faces, their hair is usually pretty fair with a greyish undertone but it sometimes can be brown as well. Though Polish guys can’t be described as fashionistas like some men from France or Sweden, it doesn’t mean that they are not attractive: many local guys look extremely handsome and stylish though they usually avoid things that don’t suit the “casual” category. These men tend to look very good in their casual outfits: they manage to dress comfortably and attractively so they don’t need something extra. Poles tend to think that men shouldn’t spend too much time and effort on their looks, but being strong, clean and healthy is necessary for everyone.

a nice couple taking a selfie outdoors together

Meet hot Polish guys online on

Though Poland is an amazing country which has lots of places of interest to attract and entertain tourists, not everyone has an opportunity to get there for a while. It doesn’t mean that foreign ladies don’t have other chances to meet Polish guys and date them: there are lots of Polish migrants living in other European countries and the USA, and there’s always an opportunity to meet a Polish guy of your dreams online. Just like other people all over the world, Polish guys use the Internet a lot: it has already become a huge part of our life. Many of them use online dating services and have nothing against dating foreign ladies as well: there’s always an opportunity to meet a great boyfriend from Poland online without even leaving your house.

Polish people tend to be very family-oriented: they are not afraid of responsibilities and obligations. is one of the biggest dating services in Poland and all over the globe: it’s popular because of its effectiveness, comfort and user-friendly interface which makes it easier for people of different ages, languages and computer skills to use it. Use a searching algorithm to meet the most suitable Polish guy online who is not only attractive but also like-minded and compatible with you and wait for a match to start your journey in the world of new opportunities online! Chat, flirt and know more about your potential partners online: the service protects the security of your personal information, so you can concentrate on communication with your potential partner. Be a creator of your happiness and write the best love story for you on

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