Dating single German guys

Germany is one of those European countries people want to live in: their high standards of living, self-aware and equal modern society, good economics and government which runs like clockwork - all these things make this place one of the most convenient and pleasant to spend the rest of your life. Gorgeous German nature and lots of picturesque sights and buildings make this place perfect for tourism as well: this country has lots of places of interest and things you should definitely try and experience at least once. Whether you’re a fan of good German beer or an enthusiastic person who loves visiting all local museums and taking hundreds of photos - Germany will definitely have something to surprise and impress you.

  • Ash, 35
    Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Meg , 46
    estado nueva esparta, Venezuela., Colombia
  • Jenn NY, 26
    Ukrainka, Ukraine
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Tony, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Adam , 47
    Zürich, Switzerland
  • Rongdan, 26
    Nanning, China
  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Ysabel, 45
    Bogotá, Colombia

This country is not only great for travelling but also living: lots of people dream of immigrating there and staying in a small but neat German town or a big busy city like Berlin. This country makes its people feel confident and protected: people try to work hard and do their best to be professionals in what they do for a living and they can rely on a good salary and pension after they’re retired. That’s why lots of non-German people dream of living there - and sometimes the most reasonable way to do so is to meet your love in Germany and to move there to be with your beloved German partner.

Therefore, there’s no surprise that there are millions of single ladies interested in dating German guys. Except for the fact that they live in a nice and beautiful country, these men also have lots of great qualities which can easily steal ladies’ hearts: they tend to be tall, stylish, well-groomed, intelligent, charismatic and humble. There are lots of famous German guys who have female fans all over the world: sportsmen, actors and singers from Germany usually have strong masculine features combined with their neatness and cleanliness, so this mixture makes them absolutely irresistible. Whether you would like to date Til Schweiger or Michael Fassbender, there are lots of other attractive and handsome German men who can become great partners and amazing companions for you.

What you can expect from dating a good German guy

a young couple is playing with a kitten together at home

German men have lots of features which are loved by many ladies all over the world: they are intelligent, smart, humble, they have dignity and healthy self-esteem, they are respectful and loyal as well. Dating a German partner is not like a roller-coaster of emotions and passion: it’s like a long game where you slowly explore each other and learn to trust and understand your partner better. German couples build their relationships part by part and avoid making any quick reckless decisions: they are not into a bold passion and big gestures because they believe that your everyday actions and attitude are often more important than big but rare feats.

Dating a German guy is a great choice for those who have their personal goals, hobbies and responsibilities, who know exactly what they want from life, who work hard and build their happiness with their own hands. You should feel happy and excited to spend some time on your own doing things which are important for you to be considered an interesting person for a German guy: they are not into shallow, indecisive or boring people who often try to make a fuss around themselves. German men dislike drama queens who always overreact and try to attract too much attention to their persona. German guys have dignity and self-respect and expect the same from their significant others: they love and respect mature, confident, smart and self-aware people who can be their partners and companions rather than dependent immature ones. They need women to be on a par with them: it’s more interesting to have long conversations, to travel or to spend leisure time with versatile and mature ladies.

You should feel happy and excited to spend some time on your own doing things which are important for you to be considered an interesting person for a German guy: they are not into shallow, indecisive or boring people who often try to make a fuss around themselves.

Dating a German guy can differ from dating a guy from other countries: though lots of European countries share similar values and opinions, there are still lots of differences which are based on people’s culture, customs and traditions. Also, there are lots of stereotypes about every nationality: though some people may sincerely believe that most of the Germans only drink beer and eat sausages all day long, the reality is quite far from that. Everyone is unique: though our culture, history, standards of living and surroundings influence us a lot, everyone deserves a chance to be understood and known for who they actually are instead of just stereotypes. Learn some of the major German features of character, but remember that there often are lots of exceptions:

  • These men are not cheaters and take their relationships seriously. It’s one of the best features German men have: they stand against adultery and tend to be very loyal and devoted to their partners. It’s considered extremely disrespectful to cheat in Germany: it shows not only your bad attitude towards your significant other but also your personal disability to choose a good partner or even to understand what you actually want from your relationships. German men take their romantic affairs slowly and avoid making any quick decisions, but if they choose to have romantic relations with you, then you can be confident that this guy is exclusive with you;
  • It’s pretty easy to find a German guy who’s very shy and modest yet extremely intelligent and skilled. Lots of German guys are well-educated, intelligent and fully developed: you can see it in their careers, their relationships with friends and relatives and hobbies. They can be extremely interested in many things and they know a lot about them: these people are very determined and put lots of efforts in things they find important. At the same time, it’s not customary there to show off or brag with your accomplishments or intelligence: most
  • German guys are very humble and modest and don’t talk much about their success. They are also not judgemental and avoid being condescending towards others - and it shows them as even more likeable and pleasant to talk to; It’s inappropriate to be late - so try your best to be on time while dating. Though it’s one of the obvious stereotypes about German people, it tends to be true: it is considered a sign of disrespect and careless attitude in Germany. If you set up a date with a German guy, then be sure to come on time: respect other people and you will be liked and valued as well. Though it can be kinda customary for a girl to be a bit late on a date, it’s definitely not about Germany: a guy might decide that you’re windy and immature or simply don’t like him enough to care;
  • Most of the German men are caring and kind to those they love. That’s another trait of German character that can be liked by all women: most German men tend to be very gentle and caring with their partners, friends, relatives, pets. They are pretty self-confident, so they have no need in being too aggressive or brutal: they know that they’re masculine and worthy even without any demonstrations of it. Lots of German guys can be pretty sentimental sometimes: though they might look pretty reserved and humble, they are often very warm-hearted and sensitive - you just need more time to know them better;
  • They are all about equality and modern views, but they love the old-fashioned way. Just like in many other Western countries, local men treat women as equals and avoid being disrespectful or acting too patriarchal with them. Therefore, your German guy won’t probably pay for your coffee or dinner on a date: a local guy doesn’t want to show you that he earns more than a lady and he doesn’t want her to feel obliged by any means. Also, lots of German men are sensible with their money, so they would better save this extra money to buy a present for their women or to plan vacations together. But it doesn’t automatically mean that German men are too practical or down-to-earth in their relationships: most of them are very old-fashioned and shy when they are with women they like. A German guy who’s really into you will probably blush adorably and won’t talk much on your first dates, but his eyes will definitely tell you about his feelings;
  • These men might look too reserved and emotionless, but they are not. A stereotype about cold and reserved Germans can be true when it’s connected with their profession and communication with their colleagues, but these men are definitely not cold and reserved in their romantic relationships. They can be super sensitive, tactful and caring, and they are extremely good listeners: they actually are interested in what you’re saying and try to remember all details about you. They are usually very attentive and warm with people they love - but it requires time to become close enough to a German man to experience it;
  • They also tend to be very honest, but they often can’t take the same level of sincerity about themselves. German guys don’t lie: they prefer to be as straightforward and clear with you as they can because they don’t want anyone to have unrealistic expectations. If you ask a German guy a question, then be ready to hear the answer: they have no intentions to be offensive or rough, but they don’t sugar-coat things too. If a guy sees no future with you, then he’ll tell you about that: he won’t waste your time and be truthful to you. It's quite ironical, but lots of German men can’t handle people being brutally truthful with them: it can traumatise and offend their feelings, so it’s better to find the balance between honesty and softness;
  • These men prefer to date at a slow pace. German affairs rarely go fast: these people date slowly and prefer to learn each other’s characters, habits and interests long enough to be sure that they date the right people. They can date for years before making a serious decision to marry - so you probably shouldn’t expect a German guy to propose to you soon. Instead, enjoy your communication and use this time to know your partner better: being married is just a formality, but your love is really important.

How to date a German guy right

Relationships require both people to put efforts in them to make things work: it’s never a single-player game unless two people in a couple are interested in being together and improving their relationship together. There are lots of unwritten dating rules all over the world: while some of them are pretty general and understood by everyone, the others are more specific and are based on people’s culture and habits. It’s considered inappropriate to demonstrate your affection publicly in many conservative places, but it’s pretty normal to do so in most of the Western countries. Some people expect men to be more initiative, but there are also lots of countries where both men and women are allowed to approach attractive people and initiate dating. German has some dating rules as well: people generally prefer to take things slowly and to be very careful in the very beginning of their relationships.

There are lots of unwritten dating rules all over the world: while some of them are pretty general and understood by everyone, the others are more specific and are based on people’s culture and habits.

If you’re interested in dating a German guy of your dreams, then you should remember some features of German dating. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you are the only one driving force in your dating, but your knowledge of what to expect can help you a lot. If you’re sure that a German guy is perfect for you, then remember a few rules to succeed:

  • Forget about small talks and get used to deep long conversations. Germans are not good at small talks: they simply see no reason or use in it. Instead, they appreciate long and deep conversations about lots of things: they can discuss their interests, impressions, experience, memories and opinions for a long time because they really want to know more about each other. If he asks you about your childhood or your favourite film - then he is really interested in hearing the answer. Keep a conversation and don’t hurry: you will probably talk for a long time and it’s important for you to enjoy these conversations as much as he does;
  • Share your bill when you’re on a date with a German guy. It’s important not to expect your German partner to pay for you: a man paying for a lady is not something that is considered respectful there. Instead, rely on your wallet and concentrate on your communication without any expectations. Also, a German guy might think that you’re shallow and interested only in his money: that’s something men strongly dislike. If you’re on a date with a German guy and are nervous because a restaurant seems to be too expensive, then it’s better to say that in advance. He doesn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, so be honest and learn to tell him what you think;
  • Don’t rely on flirting with him - he won’t probably get it. German guys are not good at flirting: they tend to be pretty straightforward, so if you are too subtle and smooth while flirting with him, then he might not even understand your intentions. There are lots of examples of German men who don’t understand some jokes or don’t believe in flirty compliments, so try to be more straightforward and don’t expect a guy to understand any hints. German men respect honest and initiative women, so don’t be afraid to be too clear with him: if he doesn’t like you, then he’ll tell you, but if he does, then your honesty can fasten up things a lot;
  • Find a balance between honesty and softness. Though it might seem a bit unfair, learn to be less brutal in your honesty than he is: the chances of him being more sensitive than you are pretty high. Remember that a straightforward German guy doesn’t want to offend you, but if you tell him what you think too aggressively, then it will probably be seen as intentional rudeness. It’s better to be softer with him - and probably he will learn to be smoother in his sayings as well;
  • Don’t try to fasten your relationship. German men are not into hookups and unreliable partners: they dislike changing partners too often, but they also don’t risk becoming too close to someone without knowing more about this person. If you date a German man, then you’ll spend lots of your dates talking and discussing different things together. They also don’t want to get intimate too early: it’s more important for them to know you as a person in advance than to get into your bedroom. Accept their pace and enjoy the process;
  • Appreciate small things a German guy does for you to understand the depth of his feelings. They might not use lots of loud and beautiful words to express their love for you, but they will do small things which can be much more important for understanding their real feelings: they will visit you often because they miss you, they will call you sometimes because they think that you might be lonely, they will give you small presents and sacrifice their time and comfort for you - just learn to see and appreciate these things because they are much more important than words.

Try dating a German guy online on

a man in a blue shirt stopped his bicycle to check his messages

If you’re interested in dating a German guy, then you should definitely visit Germany and spend some time there to meet your handsome German boyfriend there. At the same time, if you have no opportunity to visit Germany any soon but still want to experience dating a local man, then you have a great chance to do so: the modern world of online dating allows people all over the world to find their perfect partners wherever they are. You can travel around the world or stay at home most of your time - just a gadget with internet access can help you to stay in touch with hundreds of attractive singles all over the globe. Dating sites in Germany have gained lots of popularity from their users because of how comfortable, convenient and secure it is: all dating games have been changed with the help of the Internet.

If you have no opportunity to visit Germany any soon but still want to experience dating a local man, then you have a great chance to do so. is a popular online dating service which can help you to meet your perfect German partner who will be suitable and compatible for you: thousands of attractive singles are looking for someone special online and communicate all over the world. For more than 25 years unites singles from different corners of Earth and allows them to enjoy socialization and communication with new interesting people every day. Regardless of your age, language or computer skills you can easily become a part of the community and improve your romantic life: the world of online dating knows no limits, so everyone can use its tools and user-friendly interface to meet their significant others and to start dating them. It’s extremely easy to join:

  • Register on and create your profile where you can write about yourself and your preferences. Who are you looking for? What relationship goals do you have? What are your views and opinions about dating? Tell the world about yourself and let your potential partner find you;
  • Use a searching algorithm and look through all singles on to find the most suitable and compatible ones. The searching algorithm allows you to sort people by their age, location, appearance, views, goals, religion, interests and other things which can be important for potential partners. Find the most suitable ones and click on them to show the system that you’re interested;
  • Match with attractive singles and start your communication! You can use direct messages on the platform or live chats in case you prefer speaking over messaging. Flirt, communicate and create relationships with handsome German guys on - it’s time for you to write your own amazing love story!
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