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Dating Finnish girls

If you want to date Scandinavian girls, then you might use one of the best Swedish dating websites or you might visit Finland. There is no such thing as a common and brief description of Finnish girls. People, who visit Finland, have extremely variable impressions of local women: some say that most girls are like supermodels, tall, long-legged, with fair hair and blue eyes. Others swear that they have never seen more feminists than in Helsinki, which is not a bad thing, but their appearance might not for everyone’s taste.

Dating Finnish girls

If you want to date Scandinavian girls, then you might use one of the best Swedish dating websites or you might visit Finland. There is no such thing as a common and brief description of Finnish girls. People, who visit Finland, have extremely variable impressions of local women: some say that most girls are like supermodels, tall, long-legged, with fair hair and blue eyes. Others swear that they have never seen more feminists than in Helsinki, which is not a bad thing, but their appearance might not for everyone’s taste.

  • Tony, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • Ysabel, 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Kessybaee , 25
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Dongfang(Vina) , 36
    Shanghai, China
  • Yan, 34
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Ivon , 23
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Gabriela, 25
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Gilbert, 42
    London, United Kingdom
  • Teng chunpu, 39
    Anyang, China
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Olena, 47
    Odesa, Ukraine

Another question, which raises before everyone, who is looking for a Finnish partner, is: what is the local dating scene like? What do Finnish girls value in relationships? What approach should you take to make sure you win her heart?

We know how hard it is to start dating, especially if you are not used to the customs and traditions of a particular country. It might be even hard to meet the right Finnish girl from the very start. But we have enough experience in matchmaking to create a happy couple out of people of any background. We will make sure you get Finnish dating customs right and provide you with an amazing opportunity to meet a Finnish girl of your dreams!

Finnish girls’ appearance

a portrait of a young red-haired girl wearing a hat

If there is one stereotype which is spread all over the world, it is the conception about Finnish girls’ appearance. People often claim that girls from Finland all look the same: pale skin, white hair, blue eyes. They are tall and slim. If you imagine that picture, you won’t be able to resist a desire to get a Finnish girl, right?

Well, don’t expect all Finnish girls to look alike. They do inherit fair hair and skin colour from generation to generation, but this is just the most common national trait, but definitely not the beauty standard here.

Speaking of beauty standards, Finnish girls don’t pay as much attention to makeup as american girls do. Here everyone is about natural beauty, so girls would rather spend money on skincare products and visit a beautician than paint a new face with makeup every day. Finnish girls also care a lot about healthy lifestyle, which is why they do sports and eat a healthy diet - not for beauty, but for actual wellbeing.

Don’t judge solely by appearance, because even if a look is overall aggressive, the personality might be soft and nice.

But there is also a very common trend among Finnish girls to go a bit crazy about their looks. They might colour their hair into bright colours, make a lot of tattoos and piercings. Don’t judge solely by appearance in this case, because even if a look is overall aggressive, the personality might be soft and nice.

To sum up everything, Finnish girls are very different from each other, but they do know how to care about themselves. Regardless of their appearance preferences, they are always neat and pleasant to look at.

Personality of a Finnish girl

Being girly is definitely not something you can include into a description of a Finnish girl. No matter what she looks like, she probably is a feminist. Finland in general is a country, where gender equality is seen in all spheres of life, no wonder women here are confident and independent.

If a girl in Finland is looking for a partner, she wants to have a life companion.

There is nothing a man can do which is not suitable even for the hottest Finnish girls. They know how to fix things, drive cars or live in the forest. They don’t actually need men in the household, since they can manage everything by themselves. So, unlike many other women around the world, if a girl in Finland is looking for a partner, she wants to have a life companion, rather than somebody who would take care of her.

Finnish girls know their value, but they don’t necessarily enjoy courtesy in the common meaning of this word. You wouldn’t impress a local lady with hundreds of flowers or expensive gifts - it is more important for her who you are as a person and how you treat her on a daily basis.

Some other personality traits of Finnish girls include:

  • They are practical. You can be sure your girlfriend will be good with money, but other than that, she can fix anything in the house. She is definitely not afraid of dirty work or “manly” things. She is also reasonable in every aspect, which also has great influence on life together;
  • They are family-oriented, but not housewives. Yes, a Finnish girl knows how to combine these two things, which seem polar to many people. It is not that people in Finland are made to have family and kids by religion or tradition, so most of them would rather start dating over 30 than getting married early. They are just raised in such loving and caring families they want to have one when they grow up themselves. If you are in love with a Finnish girl and you are in long-term relationships, she will care about you a lot, not to say about the times you have kids together. But when it comes to family life and marriage, a Finnish girl wants an equal partner by her side. You should be able to cook meals or clean the house while she is at work, pick up kids from the kindergarten and take a sick leaf if they get ill. If you want to know, how to marry a Finnish girl, you have to share the responsibilities in every common sphere - since a she is fine by herself, she doesn’t need a burden of a dependent partner;
  • They are sociable. When they are young, Finnish girls like to party, which means meeting a lot of new people. They make friends extremely easily and can find a common topic for something more than a small talk even with a complete stranger;
  • They know how to relax. Since they enjoy partying so much, they know how to have a good time. But relaxing doesn’t necessarily include social events for a Finnish girl. There are plenty of other activities she might like to pick up: from lazy evenings at home to weekends deep in the woods, watching the northern lights and deers;
  • They are very smart. Finnish educational system is known to be one of the best in Europe. Learning never ends with a university diploma - there are multiple opportunities for adult people to study as well. Most girls in Finland have got a degree of some kind, sometimes even more than one. You have to possess a really good knowledge of various things to impress a Finnish girl. And don’t ever stop learning - general curiosity and the desire to develop in a chosen field is one of the traits Finnish people value quite a lot.

How to date a Finnish girl right

a portrait of a sad blonde girl

Now, let’s talk about dating in particular. Here are the things you should remember while dating Finnish girls.

Treat them as equals

Don’t you dare say your girlfriend is weak because she is a girl or that you expect her to do the girly stuff. You will never be able to establish relationships with her if you have all these stereotypes about women in your head. If you want to win the heart of a Finnish girl, think of her as an equal. Respect and admire her ability to do everything you can do too. Be interested in her career and support her in all endeavours. Forget everything you know about gender roles. And don’t forget to split the bill - your girlfriend is definitely able to pay for herself and might consider your suggestion to cover the dinner as an insult.

If you are a foreigner, you have it

Finnish girls especially like foreigners, because they bring some diversity into what they are used to. They often think that Finnish guys are all the same, so someone from a different culture gives a nice opportunity to spice up the dating life. You’ll also always be able to engage in a conversation with a Finnish girl if you are a foreigner, since you definitely have a lot to tell her about life in your country. And she will be the best listener you can imagine, since she is so fascinated by other cultures.

There is no language barrier

If you have any doubts about communicating to a Finnish girl due to language differences, forget about this issue. All Finnish people, young and old, know english very well. First of all, they learn it at school, and since the education is so good, high school graduates already have amazing language skills. But there are plenty of opportunities to practice the language as well. Finns like to travel, therefore they need english language to communicate. But they also often need this language in their job, since many businesses have foreign partners.

Finnish ladies are not jealous or angry, they just want to know their significant other is devoted to them

Go exclusive

Finnish girls like to know they are the only ones for their partner. If you agree you are dating, don’t even try to engage into romantic interactions with another girl. Finnish ladies are not jealous or angry, they just want to know their significant other is devoted to them, otherwise there is no point in building long-lasting relationships. They won’t make a scene or throw a temper tantrum, they won’t stalk your messages on social media, but if they find out you are cheating, you’ll have to break up no matter how much you are willing to keep the relationships going. Cheating is totally unacceptable.

Discuss the relationships

It might not be very clear, when friendship ends and relationships start. It also might not be too obvious, if you are just sleeping together or make emotional commitment for a long period of time. But you don’t have to be guessing and making suppositions. Just learn to talk about everything. Finnish girls appreciate it a lot when their partner is able to bring up all the unclear topics. Even if an issue arises when you are already dating, just suggest discussing it and you will be able to clarify anything and come up with a solution.

Leave some personal space

In some cultures, when people are in relationships they just devour each other’s time and can’t get separated even for a moment. It is absolutely not true for the Finnish culture, though. Every girl here wants to have some time for herself as well, but also for her friends and relatives. If you only see each other a couple times a week, that’s totally fine. If you live together and she regularly leaves you alone to go out, that is the right way to do it too. Get yourself some personal life too, don’t be afraid to live the way you did before relationships started - you will be a much more interested companion and will actually miss your partner every now and then.

Best places to meet Finnish girls

If you are now located in Finland, there are a few opportunities to get acquainted with girls:

  • If you are more of a daytime person, you might come across some hardships. During the day Finnish girls are regularly quite busy, and if they aren’t, they might not be open to communication as much. During the day, you can meet some girls at shopping malls, but you’ll definitely have to come up with a good conversation starter;
  • The nightlife in Finland, though, is absolutely amazing for dating. There are multiple clubs and bars all over the country, and girls like to spend their free time there. If you are sitting at a bar with a glass of beer, the atmosphere is much more relevant for communication. It is great if you managed to integrate into a group of Finnish friends - they most probably will present you to one of their girl friends. But even if you are alone in a public place, there are plenty of opportunities to break the ice with local girls. Check out any possible events - this way you will be able to engage in a conversation much easier, since you definitely have a common topic to discuss.

Online dating in Finland

a portrait of a young blonde girl smiling

If all the rest of opportunities don’t really suit you, you can always try online dating. In such a progressive country as Finland, people are used to online dating a lot. It is not uncommon at all to have a partner you met on a dating website. If you ask your Finnish friends about it, they most probably will tell you they are dating a person they met on the Internet.

There are plenty of dating sites and apps in Finland, but if you are looking for a trustworthy one, is the best choice. There are a few reasons why Finnish girls register here to look for love:

  • The reputation of speaks for itself. Existing for over 20 years, the website became a platform for thousands of couples to meet. Many of them are now successfully married. Such examples are the best proof online dating can work;
  • The website is totally safe. You can be sure none of the personal information you share while registering will be used for any other purposes. security discovers scammers and blocks them in order to make the dating process especially safe. But if you think this is not enough, you can always study the guidelines created by website administration, which can give you some ideas on extra precautions;
  • There are plenty of single Finnish girls on the website. You can look for a Finnish partner wherever you are and can be sure there are some compatible individuals in our system.

The searching process is also personalized, which allows us to match you with the most suitable website users. When you start the search, you can choose any criteria you think are important. You can base the search off appearance, look for people with a certain education degree, get a list of individuals who share the same hobbies you have and do many more.

If you ask your Finnish friends about it, they most probably will tell you they are dating a person they met on the Internet.

Using the website is very simple, due to the user-friendly interface. Even if is the very first dating site you are using, you will spend no time at all getting used to it. Everything is intuitive and simplistic.

There is also no need to have a personal computer at hand to communicate with Finnish girls online through Instead of logging in on a website, you can use our mobile app. It has totally the same features, but is much more convenient to use when you are on the go. The only thing you actually need is internet access.

The journey to love might be bumpy, but with you make sure you only have the best experience on the dating scene.

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