Dating in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a bright representative of old Europe. This is manifested primarily in the historical baggage and culture of this country and places in it. Imagine a trip straight to a medieval historical novel - that’s what impression it makes in the eyes of many tourists visiting this beautiful place every year.

  • Jack, 51
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Sacha, 37
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Sam, 55
    Houston, USA
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Ysabel, 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Tony, 36
    Madrid, Spain
  • Brian , 55
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Vallerie, 30
    Cebu City, Philippines
  • CutieTheBeauty , 24
    Lamu, Kenya
  • Meg , 46
    estado nueva esparta, Venezuela., Colombia
  • Elena, 41
    Kamenskoe, Ukraine

The Czech Republic is often called The Capital of Castles because there are more than two thousand of them in the country, and the Prague Castle is considered to be the largest in the world. A large number of Catholic churches have also been preserved, although many Czechs consider themselves to be atheists and regard visiting temples as a tribute to tradition and an opportunity to see the history of this country with their own eyes. You can also find many other magnificent architectural monuments there, and twelve of them are even listed as UNESCO sites, which only emphasizes their historical heritage.

Millions of tourists seek to visit the Czech Republic to enjoy its amazing nature and to walk these beautiful old streets every year. A well-developed education system, which is free not only for Czechs but also for many foreigners, also attracts many students from all over the world. Also, more and more immigrants come here every year because of a high standard of living, low unemployment and low crime attract many workers from Eastern Europe and beyond.

As you may see, nothing is surprising in the fact that a lot of tourists and immigrants are interested in Czech dating. It might be not only a good opportunity to visit this country but also a chance to explore something new and interesting. And if you’re also interested in finding a partner in Czech, it’s time to learn some facts that will help you to understand the Czechs better. So what do you need to know about this country and its inhabitants?

Culture and food

a portrait of a redhead woman in black

In the Czech Republic, it is pretty common to remember and honour old customs and traditions. Of course, they do not play that big role in Czech society as before, but people still preserve them rather as a tribute to past generations. Many traditional holidays have already changed to suit modern society and have become just another reason to take a walk and enjoy delicious food with a traditional hoppy drink. The Czechs like festivals and spend a lot of their weekends attending various events. It might be a good idea to meet new people to communicate and even to date there.

Czech cuisine is similar to German in many ways and it also has much in common with other neighbours. It is quite simple at its core, but this is why so many people consider it pretty appealing and tasty. It is also difficult to imagine a Czech feast without good beer. They love and know how to make this drink. Local alcohol is famous throughout Europe, and there is a reason why - Czech beer has its unique soft taste that most people like. This drink is so popular in this country that there are even some soup recipes that include beer in Czech.

Enjoy visiting Czech restaurants and bars with your friends or alone - the chance of meeting new friends and acquaintances is pretty high in this country. Offer a drink to a person you like - and you may have an interesting company to speak for the evening or even to go on a walk together.

The Czechs are calm and reasonable people, most of them know the value of time and things well.

The people

a portrait of a curly dark-haired woman in the city

It is worth learning a little about the inhabitants of the Czech Republic before dating Czech girls to know their mentality better. The Czechs are calm and reasonable people, most of them know the value of time and things well. Many people all over the world who have already visited Czech know those people as excellent specialists and executive employees. They are trustworthy and you can safely rely on their decency and responsibility in work matters. At the same time, you definitely can’t call Czechs boring or pedantic - those people know how to work and relax. In general, people have a quite philosophical approach to think about life and they are rarely bothered with worrying about something. All problems can be solved, and if not - it’s not worth worrying too.

The hospitable and friendly Czechs tend to cause sympathy, and their cosy, neat cities create a comfortable atmosphere around. The appearance of the cities is always on top, the buildings are maintained in good condition and the streets are well cleaned after sloppy tourists. The Czechs monitor cleanliness carefully and try to maintain it both at work and home. That’s why many people just want to come and live there.

Thrift and modesty are also notable features of the local people. The Czechs don’t like wasting their savings, they perfectly understand the value of labour and money. A tourist will immediately notice their modesty in clothing they wear. It is not common to wear a bunch of jewellery and catchy outfits there, cause people are quite practical in their choice of wardrobe.

Peaceful Czechs prefer a quiet life and do not like conflicts. However, these people are also distinguished by the firmness of their characters and resistance to difficulties. Some may find the residents' sense of humour pretty peculiar. Loca people prefer not to grieve over the tragedy, but to laugh at it and treat everything with a share of irony. So if you want to date the Czech, you’ll have to get used to it too.

How people date in the Czech Republic

a couple is sleeping together while hugging

Everything usually depends on the woman’s wish, but no one will scold you for the initiative you show.

Even though some dating rules are common for almost all nationalities, there are still some features that are worth knowing for tourists. It’s better to know some of them before looking for the best Czech Republic dating sites, because it’s always good to be prepared for a face-to-face date in advance.

  • As in many Eastern European countries, it is usually traditional to give a woman flowers on a first date, but this is not always necessary. Even though some modern girls are not into that tradition, most of them like flowers and attention they symbolize. You don’t need huge bouquets to make a good impression on her, just one or three roses or tulips is enough to present. The main thing you need to remember is that there is an odd amount of flowers you should buy. An even number is traditionally used to honour the dead in most of the East European countries. Also, avoid expensive gifts or inappropriate gestures, because that will only cause awkwardness and may present you as a person who wants to buy her attention. Trying to impress a Czech girl with your boast will lead you to failure;
  • It is better to choose a typical place for the first date - a cafe, restaurant or park. Any place is suitable for a pleasant relaxed conversation, which will allow you to know the person you are talking to better. At the same time, asking her out to a public place will make a good impression and a woman you like will feel secure;
  • Although traditional manifestations of excessive gallantry are a thing of the past, this does not mean that a man should not show at least minimal politeness and etiquette towards a woman he is on a date with. Holding a door or her outer clothing is perfectly acceptable;
  • It is impossible to say exactly who should pay for dinner at the restaurant. However, it is often expected that the man pays, but it is better not to insist. Not because of the rich men from Czech republic, bue because everything usually depends on the woman’s wish, but no one will scold you for the initiative you show. If you want to show the best side of yourself, just do what you’re used to doing. If a woman has a strong belief that the bill should be separated, it’s better not to insist;
  • The immediacy and a good sense of humour are appreciated in that country. Do not try to seem special, natural behaviour is considered to be much more attractive for Czech mentality. A cheerful smile and friendliness are always much more appropriate than big words. A high level of culture you have should be presented in communication, so always respect yourself and your potential partner. Do not rush things or make inappropriate hints - people don’t normally like that.

The romantic Czech Republic

a couple is hiking together and enjoying nature

If you are going to visit that beautiful country, several excellent places there are considered to be romantic and attract many tourists around the world. If you have a partner or about to have one, you might think about making a little tour to visit them.

  • Petřín hill in Prague annually attracts numerous couples during the Czech lovers' celebration on the 1st of May. That sight believed to be a favourite place for walks and meetings for many people;
  • The Vrtba Garden is one of the most delightful Baroque gardens, which is located on the hillside of Petřín Hill;
  • Karlův most. There is an old Prague belief that if lovers kiss on that bridge they will find their happiness together;
  • Vysehrad Park is a wonderful place in which traces of the distant past and a mysterious atmosphere are preserved. Attending that place will never be forgotten by your potential partner;
  • Also, the country is famous for its cosy restaurants, bars and other places where people can have a rest. It’s a good reason to spend some time together and while trying national cuisine;
  • Finally, the Czechs love good music. You can not only enjoy classical works performed by the orchestra there but also see many street musicians creating a special atmosphere in the city. A lot of them can be found during the annual festivals, which are rather popular among the Czechs.<.li>

Dating online

a couple is kissing outdoors in the town
Nowadays internet dating is becoming more and more popular all over the world and the Czech Republic is no exception. Don’t think that the influence of old traditions or the communist past somehow changes the situation. Czech people are very progressive and online dating is popular not only in Prague but all over the country. Many people use online dating in the Czech Republic to find people who are not only appealing because of how they look, but also interesting to talk with because of common interests and hobbies. Online dating chats with old people also gain a bit of popularity here. is the best Czech online dating site not only because of its popularity but also because of the comfort and quality it provides. A little time to fill your profile, a couple of photos and you're done! You can start chatting with the Czechs. The key is being honest, so don’t try to look cooler or richer than you are to impress a potential partner, and you will find a perfect partner to start a romantic relationship with. Look after their profile and you will know what they like, so you will always know how to keep a conversation.
Contrary to popular belief, dating sites are used not only to search for a person for one night. Many people there are looking for a serious relationship and a suitable person to build your common future together. Try and see how many single Czech people want a pleasant conversation and are waiting for someone special in their life. So download an app and let’s go!

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