Christian dating rules

Love surrounds us all the time: when you’re in a relationship with someone who’s mentally close to you and who you love a lot, you feel romantic love for these people and feel their love and care as well. When you’re a child, then you feel love for your parents and they feel their love for you even stronger. Even if you’re on your own, then you still feel love - that’s your love for God and His love for you. Many people claim that you can’t truly love anyone if you don’t love God in the first place: his wisdom and care for people allow us to see joy and hope in our everyday routine and navigate us through all our life.

  • Sacha, 37
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Kseniya, 33
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Vanja, 39
    Budva, undefined
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Iris, 35
    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • luis, 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Antony, 44
    Paris, France
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Sam, 55
    Houston, USA
  • Irina, 42
    Hostomel, Ukraine
  • Meg , 46
    estado nueva esparta, Venezuela., Colombia
  • Zah, 40
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Every person needs love: while the love of God is vital for everyone, we also want to be loved by another person and give our love and care to them. God helps us to meet our significant others who can become our partners for life: a good marriage-minded Christian is determined to find their significant other to create a family and to be with them until death. In the modern world with its fast pace of life and modern views, lots of people choose short-term relationships which are fruitless and break up after a few months - it’s not what Christian people want from their relationships and dating. That’s why many of them use the wisdom of God and experience of their parents and elderly to build strong and healthy relationships which last for decades: a happy family with loving and caring spouses and kids which is created with God’s approval can become closer to God every day and achieve true happiness.

There are lots of principles for Christian dating which should be known by all Christian people interested in finding their significant others. Dating is rarely easy for anyone: though sometimes you can find lots of unwanted and inappropriate attention from people who are definitely not into Christian ideals of perfect relationships and marriage, it’s much harder to meet true love who believes in God as much as you do and wants to make everything right. A partnership and love between two Christians are sacred: though a strong and healthy relationship can withstand lots of difficulties and challenges through the couple’s life, there are still many things which can spoil everything in the very beginning when your love is just a small gentle plant and not a strong tree yet. Learn more about Christian dating rules to find real happiness with your Christian partner.

Christian dating rules which can help you a lot

a man in a suit kissing his girlfriend’s forehead in a cafe

Our world changes constantly: when some things appear to be too outdated and useless, some other new things replace them to keep the society working. Dating rules change a well: most of the old dating traditions faded away and their soft and more compatible versions took their place. Though Christian dating rules have always been pretty strictly moderated by the Word of God, they have become softer and more suitable to our reality as well: modern Christians are far from Christians who lived a few centuries ago. Most modern Christians look, act and interact with the world pretty the same as other people except the fact that a true Christian believer dedicates the most important place in their heart to God: Christians date in a different way which includes modesty, obedience and patience.

Though Christian dating rules have always been pretty strictly moderated by the Word of God, they have become softer and more suitable to our reality as well.

Though some rules for Christian dating can differ because we’re all different, most of them are suitable for every Christian person interested in having long-term serious relationships. Though in real life you don’t have the list of dating rules in front of you to follow, remember that God is watching you all the time and wants you to make the right choice. There are some things you should remember about Christian dating:

  • For many people, the most important rule of Christian dating is the fact that it’s better to look for growth in the person’s faith instead of their godliness. Nowadays there are lots of Christians who go to church regularly and speak a lot about their faith but don’t do anything which can prove their words. They can go to church and speak about loyalty and purity but cheat on their partners, they know they should avoid greed and jealousy but be jealous over their neighbour’s possessions or success. Therefore, you shouldn’t concentrate on how much the person says about their faith - it can be only a facade which hides their faithless nature. Instead, put attention on what a person does to avoid sins and defeat them, how their faith grows and what people around can say about them;
  • For every Christian person interested in marriage being marriage-minded is a must: God doesn’t approve of just dating for years without any intentions to create a family. God wants people to marry and have kids: it’s what people were born to do except making their faith stronger every day. Therefore, dating without marriage is not only a waste of time but also something which can be seen as a road which can potentially lead to sin. Marriage-minded people often see dating over 30 as a prelude to creating a family. When two people are in love, they can wait until marriage - but when marriage doesn’t come, their passion can overcome them. When you’re not sure whether you want to marry your partner or not, think about the reasons and decide whether you actually value this relationship or not;
  • Your intuition will help you to understand the right pace for your relationship progress. Though some people are sure that everything should progress slowly, there’s actually no such thing as a general right pace of dating which suits everyone. If you remember about all Christian rules of modesty while dating and just feel that this person is the one for you, then it might be God who tells you that marriage can be the right step for both of you. When you slow down your relationship purposefully because you feel pressure and want to suit some norms of Christian behaviour, remember that a good relationship full of modesty and godliness can last for not so long but be a great beginning of a happy Christian marriage;
  • While looking for a partner online, avoid using flirty tone or teasing - it’s pretty far from what faithful Christians expect from decent potential partners. When you’re looking for a decent partner who can be your faithful and reliable spouse for life you should avoid flirting and being too playful: this behaviour doesn’t suit people whose faith is strong and who want their relationship to be based on mutual respect, understanding and love for God instead of passion and desire. Your perfect partner will notice and love you without you being flirty or teasing - God will help them to see your soul instead;
  • Sometimes your friendship can become something bigger - and that relationships often turn out to be the best ones. Friendship is something which is built on mutual respect, common interests, similar views and thoughts - and all these things are great for a good Christian couple. Friendship also doesn’t involve sinful passion or desire, so if a good friendship grows into love, then it’s a sign that it’s built on trust, respect and like-mindedness. Also, you know your friends much better than strangers;
  • A man should become a leader to his girlfriend even when they’re not married yet. It doesn’t mean that a man should be too pushy or bossy - it’s more about being a mental leader who navigates a woman through life and has authority in her eyes as a strong, wise and protective person who only wants the best for her. Therefore, a man should remember about his future role as a husband and do his best to show his reliability and intelligence in a woman’s eyes;
  • Avoid situations which can potentially lead you to sin. Lots of good Christian couples avoid dating in privacy because it’s easier to avoid sin than to overcome it. The same goes with too long relationships before marriage: it’s hard to withstand temptation while being tested all the time, so a couple who wants to stay modest and pure before marriage should choose public places to meet before marriage.

Christian dating advice which can help you to have great relationships

a couple lying on their bed while petting their dog

Except rules of Christian dating, there is also Christian dating advice which is not that strict but still can be helpful for many people. You can use these tips in moderation while you’re not sure what to do - in other cases, God will lead you the best:

  • Keep a reasonable amount of openness to new things and ideas in your life because purity and faithfulness can come in different shapes. Though sometimes you can say a lot about a person just after looking at them, it goes both ways: we can miss an unfaithful person because of their mask of godliness but reject a good faithful person because of sins they don’t actually have. Remember that modern clothing and hairstyle don’t make a person worse just like old clothing doesn’t make anyone saint: it’s always more than just appearance, so avoid being too judgemental while looking for modesty;
  • Lean hard on the people who know you best, love you most and will tell you when you’re wrong. It’s pretty clear that faithful Christian people always rely on God but also we shouldn’t forget about our parents and good friends. Sometimes our intuition can be wrong but advice from our close people helps us to see what’s happening: don’t neglect their experience and let them express their opinions when they really want the best for you;
  • Learn to understand whether you want something or really need it. Sometimes passion and need for adventures make young people do unrighteous things: that’s why youth is often associated with strict parents and limits over everything. When a person is full of emotions, they often misinterpret what they feel: things we want to do are often different from what we need to do. Our faith helps us to understand what is right and what is wrong to do;
  • In a situation when you can’t choose the answer, think about what God would advise you to do. Though most things can be easily explained or disapproved of with the help of God-s words, there are also lots of ambiguous situations in life which make even people with the strongest faith think twice. While there are situations when there’s no good choice and you can only find the lesser evil you can always rely on God: ask Him what you should do and the right answer will appear;
  • Never do anything you would be ashamed of later. The best way to stay innocent and pure is to avoid sins, not to pray for forgiveness. Whether you think that something controversial you want to do can be your secret or not, it’s better not to do it: the fact that you’re not sure before doing it signals that this is something you can potentially be ashamed of later. Even when you have no evidence, remember that God sees you all the time: keep your conscience clear and stay pure and faithful in God’s eyes as well.

Find your perfect Christian partner online on

a couple petting their dog outdoors

Though the whole process of building a strong Christian relationship might be pretty hard, it’s also not very easy to find the right person to build your relationship with. There are so many people around us who aren’t good partners for us because of their personal features or lack of faith that it’s easy to make mistakes and become disappointed in romantic love: the fact that we are surrounded by hundreds or even thousands of people almost every day doesn’t make it any easier for us to find the perfect partners. We often can’t say whether a person is a faithful believer or not just by looking at them, and this can be a real problem for every Christian person: a true believer can’t create a family with a non-believer because darkness can’t be a partner with light. Therefore, lots of people rely on their friends, partners and church while looking for love because it’s always easier to start dating someone who’s already known by your closest people: they can tell you their opinions of whether this person is decent enough for you to create a family with them or not. At the same time, this approach doesn’t always work, and that’s when online dating can become your reliable and effective tool: the Internet might be full of different people with different views but it’s a great opportunity for Christians to be connected with believers and like-minded people all over the world wherever they are.

We often can’t say whether a person is a faithful believer or not just by looking at them, and this can be a real problem for every Christian person: a true believer can’t create a family with a non-believer because darkness can’t be a partner with light. is one of the biggest online dating services in the world which can help you to find your perfect partner who believes in God as much as you do and has similar relationship goals and views as you do. Millions of Christian people use online dating services all over the world because it allows them to stay connected with decent and faithful people who are marriage-minded and faithful wherever they are: you can use your mobile phone or computer with the internet access to stay connected and communicate before you meet your potential partner in real life. It’s a great opportunity for Christians to establish great mutual understanding and to learn more about their partners in advance: while many young people risk being absorbed in passion and sin while meeting new potential partners in real life, online dating allows people to concentrate on the inner world of their companions and their faith. It doesn't only help people to control their passion but also allows them to fell in love with people’s minds and traits of character rather than their appearance - and that’s something which is valued by Christians a lot.

Create an account on and complete your profile with information about you and who you are looking for: write about your interests and views, describe the features you want to see in your future partner and mention your faith to make it easier for your perfect partner to find you. Use a searching algorithm to sort people who definitely don’t suit your preferences and concentrate on other Christians who can be your potential partners. Use a matching system to be sure that another person likes you back and is ready to start your communication: it allows you to avoid unwanted attention and shows you whether another person likes what they see in your personal info or not in advance. Communicate, share your thoughts, discuss your ideas and learn more about each other: a good relationship starts from friendship and mutual understanding, so find your perfect match online on and let God help you to build your happiness.

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