Dating in Austria

If you want to imagine a place with traditional and comfortable life, full of classical music, happiness and a lot of good food, you firstly think of Austria. A lot of singles are interested to find a mate there. Surely there are a number of significant reasons for this. In fact, finding yourself a candidate for a date among the Austrians is not so difficult. They are very open and seemingly a little tired from the pressure of traditions.

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    Madrid, Spain

If you want to find a partner for online dating, Austrians are one of the best options. The reasons are simple - they are interesting; they are well-educated; they are one of the most evolved societies from the whole European culture. Austria is the example of the world where traditions and modern points of view coexist in the most efficient way. Dating is very popular here, both offline and online one. Austria’s culture is rather unique and still fascinating, so if you want to become a part of it, is your best tool.

Austria: country of Klimt, Alpes and romance

Austria is one of the most welcoming European countries, it has an extremely rich historical background of interacting with different cultures. For its thousand-years history Austria was a part of various empires, but today it develops as an independent and strong state. This led to the fact that the Austrians managed to maintain their own customs, and at the same time absorb a lot from other European traits.

People in Austria are characterized by simplicity and attention to politeness and etiquette. The formalities are very respected there. For example, leaving in the English manner without saying goodbye almost certainly going to be mean and offensive. Locals are very proud of their ancestors and generally honor their traditions. And at the same time they do everything possible to stay up-to-date in every aspect of life.

sweet couple petting a kitten

The Austrians don't have that one specific character trait that would most succinctly describe the whole nation.

Dating the Austrian means protecting yourself from any unpleasant surprises and ensuring stability in everyday life and in life in general. They pay a huge attention to the living standards, in some matters such an attitude can be compared to Scandinavian countries, where the level of life is the highest in the world. But, you must admit, this information is not enough for dating and creating a strong relationship. Therefore, let's pay a little more attention to the character of a typical Austrian and try to imagine what dating an Austrian can be.

Despite common borders with countries of both southern (Italy) and central (Germany, Switzerland) Europe, Austrians temper is closer to Nordic Europe, they are calm and discreet people. The Austrians don't have that one specific character trait that would most succinctly describe the whole nation. They are not temperamental Spaniards or conservative British people. Yes, in general, they are quite pedantic, like Germans, confident in the future, like Swiss and calm as Finns. But their way of treating one another is just deeply humanistic. If you are dating in Austria, you will experience all the benefits of Scandinavian dating as well.

nice and chill girl making a Christmass selfie

If you’re dating an Austrian woman, you will definitely see a lot of care, love and attention to your feelings. Men in Austria are very careful and polite, they respect the wishes and thoughts of their mates. Duty is an important concept for them, Austrian men will do everything possible to fulfill their obligations if they have one. If something needs to be fixed or done in the house, the Austrian man will certainly do it himself. And this is not a desire to save money, it is such a kind of hobby, a challenge to prove that he is capable of doing something on his own.

They do have a good taste in ways of spending free time. If you were searching and met an Austrian who has no hobbies, he is not an Austrian. These people are professionals when it comes to managing their own energy and necessity to use it. Austrians are devoted to all kinds of hobbies - from sports (winter sports and football are a priority) to lepidopterology (this horrifying word means butterfly collecting; quite popular in Austria because of a huge amount of rare butterflies in the foothills of the Austrian Alps). If you want to attract Austrians and begin a long conversation, ask them about their hobbies and get ready to listen. It is a very simple and extremely efficient way to start dating Austrians on It makes sense to search according to specific activity if you’re also into something. This way you will have something in common from the very beginning.

sweet Austrian men with a phone

Relationship and family in Austria

If you want to date a girl from Austria, you need to be prepared - she can be deeply offended if you put her in shackles of traditional household.

Like many other Europeans, Austrians are not huge fans of early marriages. Most of them will not marry before 30 or even 40. The reason is the same as in many other European countries - they all want to live for themselves and prepare a financial foundation for a family before such an important step happens. In some way late marriages are also associated with emancipation. Austrian women simply don’t want to sit at home with a child and be only a mother and nothing more. If you want to date a girl from Austria, you need to be prepared - she can be deeply offended if you put her in the shackles of a traditional household. Austrian women are amazing in business and politics, they are very successful in science, so being respectful to them is the key.

In Austrian families, both members usually work equally. In the latest years statistics shows an interesting picture - more and more men here carry the household and raise children alone and get support from society equally with lonely mothers. Traditional education makes most of them independent enough to cope with basic household tasks. Austrian girl will be glad to get someone capable to take care of himself and be able to do everything on her own. But it doesn’t mean separation in a relationship. Quite the opposite. It is a union of two personalities, loving and respecting each other.

sweet couple in the autumn park

Tips and hints for dating an Austrian

Austrians are very respectful when it comes to personal space. You will never see regular visits to parents or other relatives in their families because it looks like patronising for them. All the family comes together for special occasions or holidays. In other cases they are used to asking for help or piece of advice only when it is truly necessary. And yet they enjoy parties for friends and relatives, but such events are held only for spending time in pleasure and relaxation, nothing more.

Austrians know how to relax - they can spend hours just talking and drinking wine in a small company of friends. If you are a guest at some party, you can be sure that your place will be in the middle of their calm fun. The Austrians are very hospitable, for them it doesn’t matter if you are a foreigner or a native Austrian. But they are very precise within the procedure - you cannot just come without invitation or notification for a host of the party. In online dating there are no such formalities, they are very open to communication and flirting on

nice girl with a fluffy dog

What do you need to know while dating an Austrian? There are several rules and tips to help you complete your romantic journey more successfully:

You need just to be open and straightforward, and you’ll be mostly welcomed here.

  • In a friendly meeting, even if it took place for the first time in Austria, it is quite normal to get a hug or a kiss. However, this doesn’t look like a kiss, rather like a slight touch of the cheeks, which, nevertheless, expresses a positive attitude. Therefore, be prepared to get a warm welcome from your chosen one, even at the first date;
  • Before bringing the bill, the waiter always asks ‘Together or separately?’ And don't be surprised if a man with a clear conscience answers ‘Separately’. In Austria, monetary relations are seen differently, however, as in Europe as a whole: if a girl allows herself to be paid for, then she puts herself lower than a man;
  • The Austrians often mutter and grumble, but they do it with humor. Black humor. Therefore, it is very important to be able to laugh and maintain such a conversation. Your ability to be open even to a specific joke means a lot to them, so if you’re only starting online dating with an Austrian, try to understand clearly the pattern of humor. It will be a great help for you in the future. The only thing where jokes are forbidden and most likely become offensive is Austrians similarity with Germans in their accuracy, politeness and punctuality. It is a weak spot, their national pride is very sensitive to such a comparison. They are, after all, a separate nation and tend to be very offended by even a hint of that;
  • During online dating, the Austrians prefer videochat rather than texting. This explanation is hidden in their national politeness, therefore, in order to adhere to etiquette, it is necessary to see your date with your own eyes. But you don't need to worry about your look, they pay great attention to natural beauty and they aren’t easily manipulated by makeup or obvious plastic surgery. And keep in mind that you need german dating sites, because german is the main language of the local population;
  • An important step in successful dating will be shared values. What do you think is the most important love among Austrians? Money? Beer? Opera? Well, not really. It is the Alps! Mountains occupy not only the country but also the hearts of locals. Every Austrian simply adores them. If you also love mountains and can tell a couple of interesting facts, you will definitely win a lot of points. And if it turns out that you like to climb mountains, you can already start planning a wedding;
  • If you want to conquer an Austrian woman once and for all, learn to talk about your feelings freely and openly. They don't understand the hints (actually, they’re quite bad with them) and respect the straightforwardness in their partner. The ability to share your feelings and knowing that you will also be shared back is very important. There are a very few things that an Austrian girl will hate more than understatement in a relationship. That is why you should clearly talk about your goals, desires and feelings at the very beginning, even when you just started dating and flirting on Thus, you both will quickly understand whether you are good for each other, and the Austrian girl will be ready to concede in many ways precisely because she was directly asked to do it.

As you can see, dating an Austrian is not that difficult. You need just to be open and straightforward, and you’ll be mostly welcomed here.

charming woman in a white blouse in Austria

There are a lot of single men and women in Austria, who are ready to go into a romantic journey and look for the love of their lives. So this is a chance that cannot be missed. All you need to do is to create a profile on and start searching!

In our world online dating is no longer a curious or impossible novelty, it is an extremely alluring way to spend your time and find your mate. Surely, it takes a certain effort from you, because successful dating always needs a very simple thing - clear goal. It helps not to spend your time in vain and provides an understanding of what kind of person you need close to you. You have it much better if you are looking, searching for your mate. Mathematicians can prove that just sitting in the trenches of your own loneliness brings nothing good. Therefore provides the users with the most developed and user-friendly interface, which simplifies online dating and turns it into a pure pleasure.

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